Changelog for 2.10

June 2024


  • include version in global config (#9536) (86eefb0), closes #8848
  • action-menu, combobox, dropdown, input-date-picker, popover: allow logical placements for flipPlacements property. #8825 (#9490) (45aabaa)
  • action-bar, action-pad: add expandLabel and collapseLabel to messages (#9497) (12407eb), closes #5539
  • input-date-picker, input-time-picker: support form validation for min/max constraints (#9677) (38fd878), closes #8065 #9282
  • panel, flow-item: add footer-start and footer-end slots (#9374) (3def3ea), closes #8981
  • block: add icon start/end properties (deprecate icon slot and status), add actions-end slot (deprecate control), add content-start (#9535) (7117c6b), closes #4932
  • color-picker: adjust thumb and color preview sizes to follow updated spec (#9523) (41dc551), closes #9412
  • color-picker-hex-input: auto apply new color after typing/pasting hex code (#9561) (8b34583), closes #7057
  • combobox:
  • filter: adds ability to match only specific filter data properties (#9541) (137d9ae), closes #5063
  • input-time-zone: add offsetStyle prop (#9426) (dbc6c81), closes #8716
  • list: add filterProps property to specify which properties to filter against (#9622) (a253c00), closes #9619
  • split-button: add placement and flipPlacements property (#9548) (bc2c2c6), closes #9542

Bug Fixes


  • refactor: add simpler componentFocusable util (deprecates LoadableComponent) (#9515) (8edeb36), closes #9362


The 4.30 release of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript supports Calcite version 2.8.5. In your application, we recommend using the same version or any version greater than ^2.8.5.

If you are using version 4.29 it is recommended to use Calcite's 2.4.0, or any version greater than ^2.4.0.

Your browser is no longer supported. Please upgrade your browser for the best experience. See our browser deprecation post for more details.