Data browser

Find analysis variables (data fields) that you can use to query data with the GeoEnrichment service.

What are analysis variables?

Analysis variables are one or more input data fields that define what data to query and return from the GeoEnrichment service to discover information about the people and places in an area. Examples include total population, net worth, median age and average household income.

How to use analysis variables

You can use the data browser to find analysis variables to return from the GeoEnrichment service.

  1. Go to the data browser above.
  2. Find variables by using the categories or search for them by name.
  3. Add one or more variables to your cart.
  4. Click Export as JSON to copy them to the clipboard.
  5. Use the array of variable values in the analysisVariables parameter when executing an enrich request to the GeoEnrichment service.

Global analysis variables

Here is a list of the key variables you can use to discover demographic and other data around the world from the key global facts data collection.

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