Introduction to places

Places, also known as points of interest (POIs), are businesses and geographic locations that you can discover around the world. To find places you use the places service. The service allows you to search for places near a location or within a bounding box. To find specific types of places you can use over 1000 place categories and your own text to refine the search results. Places also contain valuable details, also known as attributes, such as name, category, street address, marketing district, contact information, website, social links, hours of operation, price ratings, and user ratings. With the places service you can build powerful applications to help people discover, locate, and learn more about the places around them.

Learn how to use the places service and build applications in the topics below.

Search for places near Redlands, California and get detailed place information


How to perform a place search

Learn the steps required to use the places service.

Nearby search

Find places within a distance from a location.

Bounding box search

Find places within an extent.

Get place details

Get attributes for places such as address, description, user ratings, opening hours, and social links.

Find place categories

Find categories and categories details used to classify types of places.



Places service

Find and get details about businesses, places, and other POI.

API support

Category searchNearby searchBounding box searchPlace details
ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript1
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Kotlin
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Swift
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt
ArcGIS API for Python
Esri Leaflet2222
MapLibre GL JS2222
Full supportPartial supportNo support
  • 1. Access via ArcGIS REST JS
  • 2. Access via ArcGIS REST JS.


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