Scene service

A scene service is an ArcGIS Server web service originating from a 3D scene in ArcGIS Pro. Scene services (also known as web scene layers) allow you to share 3D content via web scenes to your ArcGIS Enterprise organization.

Scene with the imagery basemap layer, scene view camera set to 7.65, 46.63, height 4500 meters

Key features

  • 3D data
  • Add multipatch, point, or building data to a scene in ArcGIS Pro and publish. When you publish multipatch or point data from ArcGIS Pro to a 10.8 or earlier release ArcGIS Enterprise portal, a scene layer and a related feature layer are created in your portal. Beginning with 10.8.1 and ArcGIS Pro 2.6, publishing building data to a scene also creates a related feature layer.
  • Add LAS data to a scene in ArcGIS Pro and publish. When you publish LAS data from ArcGIS Pro, only a scene layer is created in your portal. If you publish building data to a 10.8 or earlier ArcGIS Enterprise portal, only a scene layer is created.
  • Create a scene layer package (.slpk), add it to your portal, and publish. When you publish a scene layer package, only a scene layer is created in your portal.

Service URL

Use dark colors for code blocksCopy



To make authenticated requests you need to use one of the following:

  • API key: A permanent token that grants your application access to ready-to-use services and, with an ArcGIS Developer account, private hosted layer (items) and data services.
  • User authentication (formerly _ArcGIS identity): Grants a short-lived token, generated via OAuth 2.0, giving your application permission to access the content and services authorized to an existing ArcGIS user's account.

Learn more about getting access tokens in Security and authentication.

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