IAdminUploadsClient Interface

Provides access to properties and members the uploads client object.


Name Description
Method AdminCommit Commits a registered upload item.
Method AdminDelete Deletes the upload item.
Method AdminGetPartNumbers Returns the numbers of the parts that have already been uploaded for the upload item.
Method AdminRegister Instruct the server to reserve space for a new upload item, to be uploaded in parts.
Method AdminUploadFile Uploads a file to the server without breaking it into parts.
Method AdminUploadPart Uploads a part for the upload item.
Method GetUploadItem Returns the upload item with the given itemID.
Method GetUploadItems Returns all uploaded items.

IAdminUploadsClient.AdminCommit Method

Commits a registered upload item.

IAdminUploadsClient.AdminDelete Method

Deletes the upload item.

IAdminUploadsClient.AdminGetPartNumbers Method

Returns the numbers of the parts that have already been uploaded for the upload item.

IAdminUploadsClient.AdminRegister Method

Instruct the server to reserve space for a new upload item, to be uploaded in parts.

IAdminUploadsClient.AdminUploadFile Method

Uploads a file to the server without breaking it into parts.

IAdminUploadsClient.AdminUploadPart Method

Uploads a part for the upload item.

IAdminUploadsClient.GetUploadItem Method

Returns the upload item with the given itemID.

IAdminUploadsClient.GetUploadItems Method

Returns all uploaded items.

Classes that implement IAdminUploadsClient

Classes Description
UploadsClient The uploads client object.

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