IAssociationObject2 Interface

Provides access to Status, ErrorCode, ErrorMessage, PercentAlong, IsContentVisible of a utility network association object.


Name Description
Read/write property AssociationID Returns the association record Global ID.
Read/write property AssociationType Returns the type of association.
Read/write property ErrorCode Returns the association record errorCode.
Read/write property ErrorMessage Returns the association record error message.
Read/write property FromFeatureID Returns the from feature Global ID.
Read/write property FromSourceID Returns the from feature source ID.
Read/write property FromTerminalID Returns the from feature terminal ID if applicable.
Read/write property Geometry Returns the association geometry.
Read/write property IsContentVisible Returns the association record isContentVisible.
Read/write property PercentAlong Returns the association record percent along.
Read/write property Status Returns the association record status.
Read/write property ToFeatureID Returns the to feature Global ID.
Read/write property ToSourceID Returns the to feature source ID.
Read/write property ToTerminalID Returns the to feature terminal ID if applicable.

IAssociationObject2.ErrorCode Property

Returns the association record errorCode.

Public Property ErrorCode As Long
public long ErrorCode {get; set;}

IAssociationObject2.ErrorMessage Property

Returns the association record error message.

Public Property ErrorMessage As String
public string ErrorMessage {get; set;}

IAssociationObject2.IsContentVisible Property

Returns the association record isContentVisible.

Public Property IsContentVisible As Boolean
public bool IsContentVisible {get; set;}

IAssociationObject2.PercentAlong Property

Returns the association record percent along.

Public Property PercentAlong As Double
public double PercentAlong {get; set;}

IAssociationObject2.Status Property

Returns the association record status.

Public Property Status As Integer
public int Status {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IAssociationObject Provides access to members that specify the properties of a utility network association object.

Classes that implement IAssociationObject2

Classes Description

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