IFeatureServiceDataset Interface


For Esri internal use only.


Name Description
Method ExtractChanges Query for changes to data in a feature service.
Method IsDiagramDynamicLayer Whether the layer represents a diagram dynamic layer from a map service.
Read-only property LayerID The layer ID of the feature service layer.
Read-only property LayerJSON Returns the JSON retrieved from the feature service layer url.
Read-only property LayerJSONWithAdvancedSymbols If the feature service layer supports advanced symbology, returns the same as LayerJSON but with advanced symbol definitions.
Read-only property LayerURL The URL of the feature service layer.
Read-only property OriginalResource The unaltered resource string from the service URL that represents this dataset.

IFeatureServiceDataset.ExtractChanges Method

Query for changes to data in a feature service.

Public Sub ExtractChanges ( _
    ByVal momentDateVar As Object, _
    ByRef ppAddedFIDSet As IFIDSet, _
    ByRef ppUpdatedFIDSet As IFIDSet, _
    ByRef ppDeletedFIDSet As IFIDSet _
public void ExtractChanges (
    object momentDateVar,
    ref IFIDSet ppAddedFIDSet,
    ref IFIDSet ppUpdatedFIDSet,
    ref IFIDSet ppDeletedFIDSet

IFeatureServiceDataset.IsDiagramDynamicLayer Method

Whether the layer represents a diagram dynamic layer from a map service.

Public Sub IsDiagramDynamicLayer ( _
public void IsDiagramDynamicLayer (

IFeatureServiceDataset.LayerID Property

The layer ID of the feature service layer.

Public ReadOnly Property LayerID As Integer
public int LayerID {get;}

IFeatureServiceDataset.LayerJSON Property

Returns the JSON retrieved from the feature service layer url.

Public ReadOnly Property LayerJSON As IJSONObject
public IJSONObject LayerJSON {get;}

IFeatureServiceDataset.LayerJSONWithAdvancedSymbols Property

If the feature service layer supports advanced symbology, returns the same as LayerJSON but with advanced symbol definitions.

Public ReadOnly Property LayerJSONWithAdvancedSymbols As IJSONObject
public IJSONObject LayerJSONWithAdvancedSymbols {get;}

IFeatureServiceDataset.LayerURL Property

The URL of the feature service layer.

Public ReadOnly Property LayerURL As String
public string LayerURL {get;}

IFeatureServiceDataset.OriginalResource Property

The unaltered resource string from the service URL that represents this dataset.

Public ReadOnly Property OriginalResource As String
public string OriginalResource {get;}

Classes that implement IFeatureServiceDataset

Classes Description

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