IVersion2 Interface

Provides access to members for managing a version.


Name Description
Read/write property Access The version's access permission.
Method CreateChild Creates a new child version of this version whose initial state is the current state of pInitialStateVersion.
Method CreateVersion Creates a new version equivalent to this version.
Method Delete Permanently deletes the version from the database.
Read/write property Description The version's description.
Method GetCommonAncestor Finds common ancestor version.
Method HasParent True if this version have a parent version.
Read-only property IsRedefined Determines whether the state of the version corresponding to this version object has been redefined in the database.
Method RefreshVersion Refreshes the version with the corresponding database state.
Read-only property VersionInfo This version's information.
Read-only property VersionLocks This version's locks.
Read/write property VersionName The name of the version.

IVersion2.CreateChild Method

Creates a new child version of this version whose initial state is the current state of pInitialStateVersion.

Public Function CreateChild ( _
    ByVal Name As String, _
    ByVal initialStateVersion As IVersion _
) As IVersion
public IVersion CreateChild (
    string Name,
    IVersion initialStateVersion


This method is intended for developers who require custom workflows such as creating a version with an initial state that references a version other than that of the parent version. To create a child version with the same initial state as the parent version, use the IVersion.CreateVersion method.

The example below assumes the existence of a version named QA that has a child version named EditorA. A new version, EditorB, is being created as a child version of the QA version, but rather than initially referencing the same state of the parent QA version, it will reference the same state of its sibling version, EditorA.

IVersion2.GetCommonAncestor Method

Finds common ancestor version.

Public Function GetCommonAncestor ( _
    ByVal otherVersion As IVersion _
) As IVersion
public IVersion GetCommonAncestor (
    IVersion otherVersion

IVersion2.IsRedefined Property

Determines whether the state of the version corresponding to this version object has been redefined in the database.

Public ReadOnly Property IsRedefined As Boolean
public bool IsRedefined {get;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IVersion Provides access to members for managing a version.

Classes that implement IVersion2

Classes Description

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