IWCSCoverageDescription Interface

Provides access to members give access to WCSCoverageDescription information.


This interface is new at ArcGIS 9.3.


Name Description
Read-only property Abstract Abstract of WCS coverage.
Read-only property CRS Available CRS at the given index.
Read-only property CRSCount Supported CRS count.
Read-only property DefaultBoundingBox The default bounding box of this coverage.
Read-only property DefaultBoundingCRS CRS name of default bounding box.
Read-only property DefaultInterpolation The default interpolation.
Read-only property Identifier Identifier of WCS coverage.
Read-only property ImageFormat Available format at the given index.
Read-only property ImageFormatCount Supported formats count.
Read-only property Interpolation Available interpolation at the given index.
Read-only property InterpolationCount Supported interpolation count.
Read-only property IsSelected Indicates whether this coverage has been selected when it is added to the connection.
Read-only property LonLatBoundingBox Minimum bounding extent of the coverage data.
Read/write property LonLatSRSName SRS name of longtitude and latitude envelope.
Read-only property Name Name of WCS coverage.
Read-only property NativeCRS The native CRS or the first CRS if the native CRS is not given.
Read-only property NativeImageFormat The native format or the first format if the native format is not given.
Read-only property Range Range of the coverage data.
Read-only property SpatialDomain Spatial domain of the coverage data.
Read-only property Title Title of WCS coverage.
Read-only property WCSCoverageName WCS coverage name of this description.

IWCSCoverageDescription.Abstract Property

Abstract of WCS coverage.

IWCSCoverageDescription.CRS Property

Available CRS at the given index.

IWCSCoverageDescription.CRSCount Property

Supported CRS count.

IWCSCoverageDescription.DefaultBoundingBox Property

The default bounding box of this coverage.

IWCSCoverageDescription.DefaultBoundingCRS Property

CRS name of default bounding box.

IWCSCoverageDescription.DefaultInterpolation Property

The default interpolation.

IWCSCoverageDescription.Identifier Property

Identifier of WCS coverage.

IWCSCoverageDescription.ImageFormat Property

Available format at the given index.

IWCSCoverageDescription.ImageFormatCount Property

Supported formats count.

IWCSCoverageDescription.Interpolation Property

Available interpolation at the given index.

IWCSCoverageDescription.InterpolationCount Property

Supported interpolation count.

IWCSCoverageDescription.IsSelected Property

Indicates whether this coverage has been selected when it is added to the connection.

IWCSCoverageDescription.LonLatBoundingBox Property

Minimum bounding extent of the coverage data.

IWCSCoverageDescription.LonLatSRSName Property

SRS name of longtitude and latitude envelope.

IWCSCoverageDescription.Name Property

Name of WCS coverage.

IWCSCoverageDescription.NativeCRS Property

The native CRS or the first CRS if the native CRS is not given.

IWCSCoverageDescription.NativeImageFormat Property

The native format or the first format if the native format is not given.

IWCSCoverageDescription.Range Property

Range of the coverage data.

IWCSCoverageDescription.SpatialDomain Property

Spatial domain of the coverage data.

IWCSCoverageDescription.Title Property

Title of WCS coverage.

IWCSCoverageDescription.WCSCoverageName Property

WCS coverage name of this description.

Classes that implement IWCSCoverageDescription

Classes Description

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