IWMTSTileMatrixSet Interface

Provides access to methods that describe a particular set of tile matrices.


Name Description
Read-only property BoundingBox Minimum bounding rectangle surrounding the visible layer presented by this tile matrix set, in the supported CRS.
Read-only property BoundingBoxCRS CRS for the BoundingBox
Read-only property Identifier Tile matrix set identifier.
Read-only property SupportedCRS Reference to one coordinate reference system (CRS).
Read-only property TileMatrix TileMatrix at the given index.
Read-only property TileMatrixCount TileMatrix count.
Read-only property Title Tile matrix set title.
Read-only property WellKnownScaleSet Reference to a well known scale set.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.BoundingBox Property

Minimum bounding rectangle surrounding the visible layer presented by this tile matrix set, in the supported CRS.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.BoundingBoxCRS Property

CRS for the BoundingBox.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.Identifier Property

Tile matrix set identifier.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.SupportedCRS Property

Reference to one coordinate reference system (CRS).

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.TileMatrix Property

TileMatrix at the given index.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.TileMatrixCount Property

TileMatrix count.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.Title Property

Tile matrix set title.

IWMTSTileMatrixSet.WellKnownScaleSet Property

Reference to a well known scale set.

Classes that implement IWMTSTileMatrixSet

Classes Description
WMTSTileMatrixSet Object that describes a particular set of tile matrices

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