esriServerStatEvent Constants

An enumeration through ArcGIS server statistics events.

Constant Value Description
esriSSEContextCreated 0 A server context was successfully created using CreateServerContext.
esriSSEContextCreationFailed 1 The creation of a server context using CreateServerContext failed.
esriSSEContextCreationTimeout 2 The creation of a server context using CreateServerContext timed out.
esriSSEContextReleased 3 A server context was released using ReleaseContext and a time interval between when the context was created and the context was released was recorded in statistics.
esriSSEContextUsageTimeout 4 A server context was in use by a client longer than its maximum usage time and has timed out.
esriSSEServerObjectCreated 5 A server object was successfully created.
esriSSEServerObjectCreationFailed 6 The creation of a server object failed.
esriSSELogError 7 An error message was sent to the logger.
esriSSELogWarning 8 A warning message was sent to the logger.


esriServerStatEventspecifies a particular event that you want to query the GIS server's statisitcs about. Use esriServerSatEvent to specify the event when using the GetSpecificStatisticForTimeIntervals and GetAllStatisticsForTimeIntervalmethods on IServerStatistics.

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