isHapticFeedbackEnabled property

bool isHapticFeedbackEnabled

True to enable haptic feedback whenever a snap occurs (if supported by the device), false otherwise.

Enables haptic feedback whenever a snap occurs to a feature or graphic from a SnapSource, or to a geometry guide. The default value is true.

Note that the specifics of the haptic will vary on different platforms and devices, and this boolean will have no effect if the end user's device does not support haptic feedback.

Haptic feedback should be expected when the GeometryEditor.onSnapChanged event happens with a SnapState of SnapState.snappedToFeature or SnapState.snappedToGeometryGuide. You can alternatively implement your own custom haptic feedback, for example if you wish to change the type of haptic feedback, or include haptic feedback for SnapState.unsnapped. To do this, set this boolean to false, and perform your custom haptic feedback by listening to the GeometryEditor.onSnapChanged event.


bool get isHapticFeedbackEnabled {
  return _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_SnapSettings_getIsHapticFeedbackEnabled(
void isHapticFeedbackEnabled=(bool value)


set isHapticFeedbackEnabled(bool value) {
  _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {