arcgis_maps library
ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter
Basic usage:
class BasicExample extends StatelessWidget {
const BasicExample({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: ArcGISMapView(
controllerProvider: () {
return ArcGISMapView.createController()
..arcGISMap = ArcGISMap.withBasemapStyle(BasemapStyle.arcGISStreets);
onTap: (localPosition) => print(localPosition),
Start by adding an ArcGISMapView to your widget tree. Supply callbacks to handle events. Then, configure the ArcGISMapViewController by setting the ArcGISMapViewController.arcGISMap and other properties.
The ArcGISMapView Widget can only be used within a Widget that has a bounded size. Using it with unbounded size will cause the application to throw an exception. For example, to use an ArcGISMapView within a Column (which would give it unbounded size), you could wrap the ArcGISMapView in an Expanded to provide it proper bounds.
Remember to supply your apiKey via ArcGISEnvironment.apiKey.
- AggregateGeoElement
- A GeoElement that represents aggregated geoelement on the map, for example a cluster of features or graphics.
- AngularUnit
- Defines an angular unit of measurement.
- AnnotationLayer
- A layer that can visualize annotation text data.
- AnnotationSublayer
- A sublayer of the annotation layer.
- ApiKeyResource
- An interface for getting and setting the API key of an object.
- ArcGISAuthenticationChallenge
- An ArcGIS authentication challenge.
- ArcGISAuthenticationChallengeHandler
- An interface for handling ArcGIS authentication challenges.
- ArcGISCredential
- A base class for types of ArcGIS credentials used to access secured resources.
- ArcGISCredentialStore
- A store for instances of the subclasses of ArcGISCredential.
- ArcGISEnvironment
- Provides access to and manipulation of environment settings, such as configurations for the operating environment and licenses for deployment.
- ArcGISFeature
- An ArcGIS specific feature stored in an ArcGISFeatureTable.
- ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo
- The metadata for an individual layer or table in an ArcGIS feature service.
- ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo
- The metadata for an ArcGIS feature service.
- ArcGISFeatureTable
- A table of features that typically represent real-world objects created from an ArcGIS feature service or an ArcGIS geodatabase.
- ArcGISHttpClient
- The class is responsible for handling HTTP requests made by the Maps SDK.
- ArcGISImage
- The Image object.
- ArcGISLocation
- A location data object.
- ArcGISMap
- A map is a container for layers. Use a map together with an ArcGISMapViewController to display layers of geographic data in 2D.
- ArcGISMapImageLayer
- A layer that can visualize data from an ArcGIS map service using dynamically generated map images.
- ArcGISMapImageSublayer
- A sublayer of an ArcGIS map image layer.
- ArcGISMapServiceInfo
- The metadata for an ArcGIS map service.
- ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo
- The metadata of an ArcGIS map service sublayer.
- ArcGISMapView
- A widget that displays an ArcGISMap and associated data.
- ArcGISMapViewController
- A user interface control that displays two-dimensional (2D) geographic content defined by an ArcGISMap.
- ArcGISMapViewInteractionOptions
- Options for configuring the interaction behavior of an ArcGISMapView.
- ArcGISPoint
- A location defined by x and y (and optionally z) coordinates.
- ArcGISRoute
- A route object contains information about single route.
- ArcGISSublayer
- A base class for ArcGIS sublayer classes such as ArcGISMapImageSublayer, ArcGISTiledSublayer and SubtypeSublayer.
- ArcGISSymbol
- A symbol defines the appearance of features and graphics that are displayed in a GeoViewController.
- ArcGISTiledLayer
- A layer that can visualize data from an ArcGIS map service or a local TileCache by using previously generated tiles.
- ArcGISTiledSublayer
- A sublayer of an ArcGIS tiled layer.
- ArcGISVectorTiledLayer
- A layer that can visualize data from an ArcGIS vector tile service or a local VectorTileCache.
- AreaUnit
- Defines an area unit of measurement.
- Attachment
- A file (such as an image or document) attached to a feature in a ServiceFeatureTable or a GeodatabaseFeatureTable.
- AttributeParameterValue
- A class that contains value of attribute's parameter.
- AuthenticationManager
- Manages requests for ArcGIS secure resources made by an application.
- BackgroundGrid
- A background grid defines the default color and context grid for display behind a map or scene surface.
- Basemap
- A basemap is a non-editable layer that provides background, or reference information, in your map or scene.
- BasemapStyleParameters
- Provides parameters for creating a Basemap from a BasemapStyle.
- Bookmark
- A geographic or time location for quick navigate.
- ClassBreak
- A class break object used to categorize a group of values that fall within a range of values.
- ClassBreaksRenderer
- A class breaks renderer is a renderer that classifies numeric data into two or more ranges of values to create a visualization.
- ClosestFacilityParameters
- A class that contains settings that are used when solving a ClosestFacilityTask.
- ClosestFacilityResult
- A class that contains the output results from a ClosestFacilityTask.
- ClosestFacilityRoute
- A class that contains the output from a solving closest task for a single result.
- ClosestFacilityTask
- A class that implements the closest facility task.
- ClosestFacilityTaskInfo
- A class that describes the transportation network that a closest facility task is bound to.
- CodedValue
- The coded value found in a CodedValueDomain.
- CodedValueDescription
- The description of the CodedValue to be created.
- CodedValueDomain
- An appropriate list of values for a Field.
- CodedValueDomainDescription
- The description of the CodedValueDomain to be created.
- CompositeSymbol
- Defines a set of symbols that make up a single symbol.
- CoordinateFormatter
- Converts between Points and formatted coordinate notation strings such as decimal degrees; degrees, minutes, and seconds; U.S. National Grid (USNG); and Military Grid Reference System (MGRS).
- CostAttribute
- A structure that describes a transportation network cost attribute.
- CubicBezierSegment
- A cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry.
- DateOnly
- An object that represents a date without the time component.
- DatumTransformation
- Represents a function to convert between two coordinate systems.
- DimensionLayer
- A layer that can visualize dimension features data.
- DirectionEvent
- A class that contains description of directions event.
- DirectionManeuver
- A class that contains properties of directions maneuver.
- DirectionMessage
- A directions string.
- DisplayFilter
- Represents a type used for limiting which features are rendered.
- DisplayFilterDefinition
- Provides definition on how features are filtered from the display.
- Domain
- The list or range of appropriate values for a particular Field.
- DomainDescription
- The description of the domain to be created.
- DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob
- A job to download the offline map for an offline map area from a web map that is enabled for offline use and has offline map areas defined.
- DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapParameters
- The parameters that specify how an offline map area is downloaded from an online map using a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob.
- DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult
- The result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob.
- DrawingInfo
- An object that provides various information on how to render features in a feature layer.
- EditFieldsInfo
- The fields that record who adds or edits the features and when the edits are made.
- EditorTrackingInfo
- Editor tracking information indicates who can edit features of an ArcGIS feature service.
- EditResult
- The result of an attempt to apply a local edit to a service.
- EllipticArcSegment
- An elliptic arc segment for use in a multipart geometry.
- Envelope
- A geometry that represents a rectangular shape.
- EnvelopeBuilder
- The envelope builder allows you to create and modify envelope geometries incrementally.
- EstimateTileCacheSizeJob
- A job that estimates the size of a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) that can be exported from a map or image service.
- EstimateTileCacheSizeResult
- The results of an export tile cache size estimate job (EstimateTileCacheSizeJob).
- Expiration
- Expiration details, that indicate whether a given package is out of date.
- ExportTileCacheJob
- A job that exports a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) from a map or image service.
- ExportTileCacheParameters
- The parameters that specify how a tile cache (.tpkx) is exported from an ArcGIS map or image service using an ExportTileCacheJob.
- ExportTileCacheTask
- A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx). Use this in conjunction with a map or image service to generate and download tile packages.
- ExportVectorTilesJob
- A job that exports vector tiles from a service. The job can also export an item resource cache from a portal item.
- ExportVectorTilesParameters
- The parameters that specify how a vector tile cache (.vtpk) is exported from a vector tile service using an ExportVectorTilesJob.
- ExportVectorTilesResult
- The result of an ExportVectorTilesJob.
- ExportVectorTilesTask
- A task used to export vector tiles and optionally a portal item's vector tile style resources.
- ExtensionLicense
- Details of an extension license.
- Facility
- A class that represents a facility.
- Feature
- A representation of a real-world geographic entity.
- FeatureCollection
- A feature collection represents a lightweight collection of features that can be saved in a map or portal item.
- FeatureCollectionLayer
- A layer that can visualize a feature collection.
- FeatureCollectionTable
- A feature collection table represents an individual feature table in a FeatureCollection.
- FeatureEditResult
- The result of an attempt to apply a local feature edit to a feature service.
- FeatureLayer
- A layer that can visualize feature data.
- FeatureQueryResult
- The result of a query, select, or populate features operation made on a feature table or layer.
- FeatureReduction
- An abstract class for reducing and summarizing point geoelements such as graphics or features.
- FeatureServiceCapabilities
- The capabilities of an ArcGIS feature service.
- FeatureServiceLayerIdInfo
- An object that represents the metadata for a Feature service layer.
- FeatureSet
- An interface for feature sets.
- FeatureSubtype
- A feature subtype describes a subset of features in an ArcGISFeatureTable that share the same integer attribute value.
- FeatureTable
- A table of features that typically represent real-world objects such as fire hydrants, roads, and forests.
- FeatureTableEditResult
- The result of an attempt to apply feature edits to a specific layer in a feature service.
- FeatureTemplate
- A feature template defines the default attribute values for the fields of a newly created ArcGISFeature and suggests a type of drawing tool to sketch the feature's geometry.
- FeatureType
- A feature type defines the domains and feature templates that are used to create a new feature.
- Field
- An object that defines a field.
- FieldDescription
- An object that describes a Field to be created.
- FilePart
- Represents a file in a multipart request to upload.
- FillSymbol
- A fill symbol defines the appearance of features and graphics that are based on polygon geometries such as countries, provinces, or habitats.
- FreehandTool
- Allows you to edit geometries in a GeometryEditor by using freehand gestures.
- GenerateGeodatabaseJob
- The GenerateGeodatabaseJob requests that a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service generates a geodatabase file and downloads it for offline use.
- GenerateGeodatabaseParameters
- The parameters that specify how a sync-enabled geodatabase is generated and downloaded from an ArcGIS feature service using a GenerateGeodatabaseJob.
- GenerateLayerOption
- An object that is used in conjunction with GenerateGeodatabaseParameters to identify what layers or tables to take offline.
- GenerateOfflineMapJob
- A job that generates and downloads the offline map for a specific area of interest from a web map that is enabled for offline use.
- GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides
- Gives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile cache packages that make up the data of an offline map.
- GenerateOfflineMapParameters
- The parameters that specify how an offline map is generated and downloaded from an online map using a GenerateOfflineMapJob.
- GenerateOfflineMapResult
- The result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob.
- GeocodeParameters
- A structure that describes a geocode method parameters.
- GeocodeResult
- A match candidate returned from a LocatorTask geocode or reverse geocode operation.
- Geodatabase
- A mobile geodatabase containing geographic data and non-spatial tables.
- GeodatabaseDataset
- An interface for geodatabase dataset.
- GeodatabaseDeltaInfo
- Represents the delta files created to synchronize changes to a Geodatabase.
- GeodatabaseFeatureTable
- A feature table stored in a Geodatabase.
- GeodatabaseSyncTask
- A task to generate and synchronize a mobile geodatabase with a sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service.
- GeodesicEllipseParameters
- The required parameters for calling GeometryEngine.ellipseGeodesic.
- GeodesicSectorParameters
- The required parameters for calling GeometryEngine.sectorGeodesic.
- GeodeticDistanceResult
- The returned results of calling GeometryEngine.distanceGeodetic.
- GeoElement
- An abstract representation of geographic entities in a map, scene, map view or scene view.
- GeographicTransformation
- Used to transform coordinates of geometries between spatial references that have two different geographic coordinate systems.
- GeographicTransformationStep
- Represents a step in the process of transforming between datums.
- Geometry
- Base class for all classes that represent geometric shapes.
- GeometryBuilder
- Geometry builders allow you to create and modify geometries incrementally.
- GeometryEditor
- Allows you to create new geometries, and change existing geometries, by interacting with an ArcGISMapViewController.
- GeometryEditorElement
- The base class for all selectable elements in a GeometryEditor.
- GeometryEditorGeometry
- The element in a GeometryEditor representing the entire GeometryEditor.geometry.
- GeometryEditorMidVertex
- A mid-vertex element in a GeometryEditor.
- GeometryEditorPart
- An ImmutablePart element in a GeometryEditor editing a Multipart geometry.
- GeometryEditorReticle
- A visual aid displayed on the map view to allow precise editing of a geometry on a touch device, using a GeometryEditor.
- GeometryEditorStyle
- Defines the visual appearance of a geometry displayed by the GeometryEditor.
- GeometryEditorTool
- A base class for tools that determine how you interact with a view when editing geometries with a GeometryEditor.
- GeometryEditorVertex
- A vertex element in a GeometryEditor.
- GeometryEngine
- Performs geometric operations such as spatial relationship tests, reprojections, shape manipulations, topological query and analysis operations on Geometry objects.
- GeoModel
- A base class for ArcGISMap and ArcGISScene that contains layers and properties and can be displayed in a GeoViewController.
- GeoPackage
- A GeoPackage file (.gpkg) that can contain multiple datasets of geographic features, non-spatial tabular data, and raster dataset that conform to the OGC GeoPackage format.
- GeoPackageFeatureTable
- A dataset in a GeoPackage containing features or non-spatial records.
- GeoViewController
- A base class for all views that can display geographic content.
- Graphic
- A type of GeoElement that has a shape (geometry), symbol, and attributes and can be displayed in a map view or scene view.
- GraphicsOverlay
- Manages a collection of graphics that can be displayed in a map view or scene view.
- Grid
- Grid is a base class for MGRSGrid, USNGGrid, UTMGrid and LatitudeLongitudeGrid that represents the display of a coordinate system grid on the map view.
- GroupLayer
- A container for other layers and group layers. It is used to represent datasets that are composed of multiple layers to be managed as a single layer with respect to display in a map or scene.
- Guid
- Defines a GUID type.
- HorizontalVerticalTransformation
- Used to transform coordinates of z-aware geometries between spatial references that have different geographic and/or vertical coordinate systems.
- HorizontalVerticalTransformationStep
- Represents a step in the process of transforming between horizontal and/or vertical datums.
- HttpCache
- A cache class to store HTTP responses and manage caching settings.
- IdentifyGraphicsOverlayResult
- Identify result containing an overlay and the identified geoelements of that overlay.
- IdentifyLayerResult
- Identify result containing a layer and the identified elements of that layer.
- IdInfo
- An object that represents the sub layer metadata for a Feature service or a Map service.
- ImageAdjustmentLayer
- A base class for raster type layers that allows per-pixel adjustments.
- ImageTiledLayer
- A base class for layers that display cached maps. You would typically work with one or more sub-classes of this class.
- ImmutablePart
- Represents a single part of a multipart geometry (polygon or polyline).
- ImmutablePartCollection
- Represents immutable collection of parts for a polygon or polyline geometry. Each part is a collection of segments.
- ImmutablePointCollection
- Represents an immutable collection of points.
- Incident
- A class that represents an incident.
- InheritedDomain
- An object that specifies an inherited domain that specifies the valid values for a Field.
- Insets
- An insets object.
- InteractionConfiguration
- Defines the set of interactive operations you can enable or disable for a VertexTool, FreehandTool, or ShapeTool.
- InteractionOptions
- Options for configuring interaction behavior.
- Item
- An object that represents an item.
- ItemResourceCache
- Contains information about the offline resources typically associated with a custom style of an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer.
T> - A job is a long-running asynchronous operation performed by an ArcGIS Server asynchronous service operation.
- JobMessage
- A message from a job.
- LatitudeLongitudeGrid
- A grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude.
- Layer
- A base class for classes that represent layers.
- LayerContent
- An interface for building a Table of Contents.
- LayerTimeInfo
- Metadata about a Layer or Sublayers support for time.
- LayerViewState
- The state of a layer in a GeoViewController.
- LegendInfo
- This object represents a legend item.
- LevelOfDetail
- This object represents a level of detail (LOD) in a tile scheme.
- License
- Details of license.
- LicenseInfo
- A class that contains encrypted JSON information pertaining to a licensed named user.
- LicenseResult
- The status of the license and any extension licenses.
- LinearUnit
- Defines a linear unit of measurement.
- LineSegment
- A line segment represents a straight line from its start to end point. It is derived from a segment object.
- LineSymbol
- A base class for line symbols used to symbolize graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) that have polyline geometry.
- LoadableImage
- An object that represents a loadable image.
- LoadSettings
- This class allows you to specify how the map/scene should treat feature layers.
- LocalFeatureEdit
- An object that represents a pending feature edit specifying its edit operation and most recent edit time.
- LocalFeatureEditsResult
- An object that represents the LocalFeatureEdit results in ascending order based on edit time.
- LocalItem
- An object that represents a local item.
- LocationDataSource
- The location data source provides location information that can be displayed on a map using the ArcGISMapViewController.locationDisplay.
- LocationDisplay
- Manages the display of a device's location in an ArcGISMapViewController.
- LocationToScreenResult
- A location to screen result object.
- LocatorAttribute
- A class that declares description of attributes.
- LocatorInfo
- A class that contains information about supports the ability and return attributes.
- LocatorTask
- A class can be used to convert an address to a point (geocode) or vice-versa (reverse geocode).
- ManualDisplayFilterDefinition
- Filter features from the display based on the specified active display filter.
- MapServiceCapabilities
- The capabilities of an ArcGIS map service, including whether it supports exporting map images, data and query operations.
- MapServiceLayerIdInfo
- An object that represents the sub layer metadata for a Map service.
- MapSublayerSource
- A map sublayer source refers to a layer in the current map service.
- MarkerSymbol
- A base class for marker symbols used to display graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) that have points or multipoint geometry.
- MgrsGrid
- A class that represents the display of the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) on the map or scene view.
- MobileBasemapLayer
- A layer that can visualize the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package.
- MobileMapPackage
- A mobile map package.
- Multipart
- Defines common members for polyline and polygon multipart geometries.
- MultipartBuilder
- The multipart builders allow you to create and modify geometries made up of multiple parts, such as Polyline and Polygon.
- Multipoint
- An ordered collection of points that can be managed as a single geometry.
- MultipointBuilder
- The multipoint builder allows you to create and modify multipoint geometries.
- MutablePart
- Represents a single part of a multipart builder.
- MutablePartCollection
- A collection object that can be changed containing parts for a geometry. Each part is represented by a MutablePart.
- MutablePointCollection
- A collection object that can be changed containing points.
- NetworkLocation
- References a specific location/position along a transportation network source feature.
- OAuthApplicationCredential
- A credential to access OAuth token-secured ArcGIS resources using the application's credentials.
- OAuthApplicationTokenInfo
- The OAuth application token information that can be used to access OAuth token-secured ArcGIS content and services.
- OAuthUserConfiguration
- The OAuth user configuration information used by an OAuthUserCredential.
- OAuthUserCredential
- A credential that access OAuth token-secured ArcGIS resources using an OAuthUserConfiguration.
- OAuthUserTokenInfo
- The OAuth user token information that can be used by clients, in exchange for user credentials, to access OAuth token-secured ArcGIS content and services.
- OfflineCapability
- Describes whether an offline-enabled web map's layer or table can be included in an offline map.
- OfflineMapCapabilities
- The capabilities to take a web map's layers and tables offline.
- OfflineMapItemInfo
- Contains properties to override the offline maps item properties.
- OfflineMapParametersKey
- A key comprising of a service URL and type of an online service. The key is used to lookup values in a dictionary exposed by a GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.
- OfflineMapSyncJob
- A Job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services.
- OfflineMapSyncLayerResult
- The result of an OfflineMapSyncJob for a single feature layer or table.
- OfflineMapSyncParameters
- Parameters used to create an OfflineMapSyncJob.
- OfflineMapSyncResult
- The result of an OfflineMapSyncJob.
- OfflineMapSyncTask
- A task to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with its originating sync-enabled ArcGIS feature services.
- OfflineMapTask
- A task used to take a map offline.
- OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities
- Describes supported methods for obtaining updates for an offline map.
- OfflineMapUpdatesInfo
- Provides information on the available updates for an offline map.
- OfflineSettings
- Represents settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use.
- OgcFeatureCollectionInfo
- Metadata of a layer (feature collection) in an OGC API - Features service.
- OgcFeatureCollectionTable
- An OGC API - Features feature collection table.
- OgcFeatureService
- An "OGC API - Features" service.
- OgcFeatureServiceInfo
- Metadata for an "OGC API - Features" service.
- OpenStreetMapLayer
- A layer that can visualize images from the OpenStreetMap servers.
- OrderBy
- An object that represents an ordering in a query's order by clause.
- OwnershipBasedAccessControlInfo
- An object that defines ownership-based access control settings of a service.
- PictureFillSymbol
- Uses an image to fill the shape of graphic and feature polygons with a repeating pattern.
- PictureMarkerSymbol
- Uses an image to symbolize graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry.
- PointBarrier
- A point barrier object is used to restrict route solving.
- PointBuilder
- The point builder allows you to create and modify point geometries incrementally.
- Polygon
- A multipart shape used to represent an area.
- PolygonBarrier
- A polygon barrier object is used to restrict route solving.
- PolygonBuilder
- The polygon builder allows you to create and modify Polygon geometries incrementally.
- Polyline
- A multipart shape used to represent a linear feature.
- PolylineBarrier
- A polyline barrier is used to restrict route solving.
- PolylineBuilder
- The polyline builder allows you to create and modify Polyline geometries incrementally.
- Portal
- The entry point into the ArcGIS portal services hosted by ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.
- PortalGroup
Collections of fully populated PortalGroup objects can be obtained by calling the Portal.findGroups,
, andPortalItem.fetchGroups
methods, and from thePortalUser.groups
property. The load status of such objects is LoadStatus.loaded. - PortalInfo
- A class that contains information about the related Portal.
- PortalItem
- An item (unit of content) stored in an ArcGIS portal, such as a layer, web map, package file, or map service.
- PortalQueryParameters
- Defines a query on a portal.
T> - Results of a query on a portal.
- PortalUser
- A registered user of the portal or organization.
- PregeneratedTokenCredential
- A credential that accesses token-secured ArcGIS content and services using a token generated outside of your application.
- PreplannedMapArea
- Represents a single preplanned offline map area.
- ProximityResult
- The returned results of calling GeometryEngine.nearestCoordinate and GeometryEngine.nearestVertex.
- QueryParameters
- Parameters to perform a query on a dataset.
- RangeDomain
- The range of valid numbers or dates for a Field.
- RangeDomainDescription
- The description of the RangeDomain to be created.
- RelatedFeatureQueryResult
- Contains the features that have been returned from a related tables query.
- RelatedQueryParameters
- Parameters to perform a related query on an ArcGISFeatureTable.
- RelationshipInfo
- An object that defines information about the relationship between tables.
- Renderer
- A base class for renderers that use a collection of one or more symbols to display features in a Layer or graphics in a GraphicsOverlay.
- RequestCancelToken
- A token that can be used to cancel a network request.
- RequestInfo
- Options for an HTTP request.
- ResponseInfo
- The response information returned from an HTTP request made via ArcGISHttpClient.get() or
- RestrictionAttribute
- A structure that describes a transportation network restriction attribute.
- ReticleInteractionConfiguration
- Defines the set of interactive operations you can enable or disable for a ReticleVertexTool.
- ReticleVertexTool
- Allows you to edit geometries in a GeometryEditor using a GeometryEditorReticle, ideal for precise editing with snapping on a touch screen.
- ReverseGeocodeParameters
- A class that describes a reverse geocode method parameters.
- RouteParameters
- A route parameters object contains parameters for route calculation.
- RouteResult
- A route result object contains output of route task's solve.
- RouteTask
- A route task object is used for calculation route by specified parameters.
- RouteTaskInfo
- A class that describes the transportation network that a route task is bound to.
- ScaleDisplayFilterDefinition
- Filter features from the display based on the current map scale.
- ScaleRangeDisplayFilter
- A DisplayFilter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range.
- Segment
- A segment represents an edge of a multipart geometry, connecting a start to an end point.
- SelectionProperties
- A selection properties.
- ServiceAreaFacility
- A class that describes service area facility.
- ServiceAreaParameters
- A class that describes the service area parameters.
- ServiceAreaPolygon
- A class that describes the single service area polygon.
- ServiceAreaPolyline
- A class that describes the single service area polyline.
- ServiceAreaResult
- A class that describes the service area result.
- ServiceAreaTask
- Instances of this class represent tasks that can compute service areas.
- ServiceAreaTaskInfo
- A class that describes the service area task info.
- ServiceDocumentInfo
- Provides various information about the map service such as title, author, keywords and comments. It also includes the text anti-aliasing mode.
- ServiceFeatureTable
- A table of features that typically represent real-world objects created from an ArcGIS feature service.
- ServiceGeodatabase
- A container for a collection of ServiceFeatureTable connected to a feature service.
- ServiceImageTiledLayer
- A super class for all image tiled layers that fetch map tiles from a remote service.
- ServiceTimeInfo
- Represents metadata about a service's support for querying features (see FeatureTable.queryFeatures) and requesting map images for ArcGISMapImageLayer based on time.
- ServiceVersionInfo
- An object that represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service.
- ServiceVersionParameters
- The parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service.
- ShapefileFeatureTable
- A table of features that typically represents real-world objects created from a local shapefile data source.
- ShapefileInfo
- An object that represents a shapefile info.
- ShapeTool
- Allows you to create polygon or polyline geometries with a geometric shape by using a single drag interaction.
- SimpleFillSymbol
- Uses predefined patterns and colors to symbolize graphics and features that have polygon geometry.
- SimpleLineSymbol
- Uses predefined patterns and colors to symbolize graphics and features that have polyline geometry.
- SimpleMarkerSymbol
- Uses a color and marker shape to symbolize graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry.
- SimpleRenderer
- A simple renderer uses a single ArcGISSymbol to draw all features and graphics.
- SimulatedLocationDataSource
- A location data source that provides simulated device locations for testing.
- SimulationParameters
- Parameters to control how locations are created from a simulated route of travel (Polyline).
- SnapChangedInfo
- Contains information on the resulting snap state when a snap or unsnap occurs.
- SnapSettings
- Controls interactive snapping functionality for the GeometryEditor.
- SnapSource
- Indicates a source of geometries that a GeometryEditor could snap interactive edits to.
- SnapSourceSettings
- Configures a valid source of geometries that the GeometryEditor can snap interactive edits to.
- SourceObjectPosition
- A structure that describes a source object position.
- SpatialReference
- The spatial reference specifies how geometry coordinates relate to real-world space.
- StatisticDefinition
- Represents a type used for defining a statistic to be queried for in the table.
- StatisticRecord
- Represents a value within the StatisticsQueryResult iterator.
- StatisticsQueryParameters
- Parameters to perform a statistical query on a FeatureTable.
- StatisticsQueryResult
- Represents a type that contains the results of a statistics query.
- Stop
- A class that represents a location to be visited along a route.
- SublayerSource
- The source of an ArcGISMapImageSublayer.
- SubtypeFeatureLayer
- A layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup properties, and so on for some or all of the subtypes in an ArcGISFeatureTable.
- SubtypeSublayer
- A sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype.
- SuggestParameters
- A structure representing parameters for a geocoding suggestion operation.
- SuggestResult
- A class representing the result of a geocoding suggestion operation.
- SyncCapabilities
- An object that identifies the various synchronization capabilities of an ArcGIS feature service.
- SyncGeodatabaseJob
- The SyncGeodatabaseJob synchronizes changes between a local geodatabase and its sync-enabled ArcGIS feature service.
- SyncGeodatabaseParameters
- The parameters that specify how a geodatabase is synchronized with its ArcGIS feature service using a SyncGeodatabaseJob.
- SyncLayerOption
- Specifies a SyncDirection for any layer in the geodatabase.
- SyncLayerResult
- An object that represents the result of sync operation on a table or layer if there has been edit errors with individual features.
- SystemLocationDataSource
- A LocationDataSource that provides location updates from the device.
- TableDescription
- An object that describes a GeodatabaseFeatureTable to be created.
- TableJoinSublayerSource
- Table Join sublayer source is the result of a join operation.
- TableQuerySublayerSource
- Query table sublayer source is a layer/table that is defined by a SQL query.
- TableSublayerSource
- Table sublayer source is a table, feature class, or raster that resides in a registered workspace (either a folder or geodatabase).
- TextSymbol
- Defines how text is displayed using characteristics such as font, size, color, and position.
- TileCache
- A local cache of rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer.
- TileInfo
- Represents the tiling scheme used by a cached map service.
- TileKey
- An object that represents a tile key identified by a level, a column and a row.
- TimeAware
- An interface that is implemented by layers that can support time. These layers are known as time-aware layers.
- TimeExtent
- Represents a span of time between a start time and end time.
- TimeOnly
- An object that represents a time without the date component.
- TimeReference
- Represents information about the reference units for time values. See LayerTimeInfo.timeReference
- TimestampOffset
- An object that represents a date, time, and its offset from UTC.
- TimeValue
- Defines a time offset or interval for any time related classes.
- TimeZoneOffset
- An object that denotes an offset from UTC.
- TokenCredential
- A credential that accesses token-secured ArcGIS content and services.
- TokenInfo
- The access token information that can be used by clients in exchange for user credentials. The access token represents the authenticated user for a certain amount of time to access API functionality.
- TransformationCatalog
- Allows discovery and management of the transformations used to convert coordinates between different datums.
- TransportationNetworkDataset
- A transportation network dataset of a map or scene stored in a mobile map or scene package.
- TravelMode
- An object that represents a travel mode.
- UniqueValue
- A unique value object.
- UniqueValueRenderer
- A unique value renderer symbolizes geoelements with a distinct symbol for each unique data value in an attribute.
- Unit
- Defines a unit of measurement.
- UnknownLayer
- An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined.
- UnsupportedLayer
- An instance of this class represents a layer type that is not currently supported.
- UsngGrid
- A class that represents the display of the United States National Grid (USNG) on the map view.
- UtmGrid
- A class that represents the display of the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system grid on the map view.
- VectorTileCache
- A local cache of vector tiles that can be used to create an ArcGISVectorTiledLayer.
- VectorTileSourceInfo
- The metadata for a vector tile source.
- VectorTileStyle
- The style information for a vector tile layer.
- VertexTool
- Allows you to edit geometries in a GeometryEditor by interacting with individual vertices.
- ViewLabelProperties
- A view label properties object.
- Viewpoint
- Defines the visible area of a GeoModel that is displayed in a GeoViewController on a user's screen.
- WebTiledLayer
- A layer that can visualize image tiles from non-ArcGIS web services or local tile caches based on a URI template.
- WfsFeatureTable
- A table of features that typically represents real-world objects from an OGC Web Feature Service (WFS) dataset.
- WfsLayerInfo
- An object that represents the metadata of a layer (feature type) in a WFS service.
- WfsService
- An OGC Web Feature Service.
- WfsServiceInfo
- An object that represents the metadata of a WFS service.
- WmsFeature
- An object that represents a WMS feature.
- WmsLayer
- A layer that can visualize data from a WMS service.
- WmsLayerInfo
- Metadata about an individual Web Map Service (WMS) layer within a WMS service.
- WmsService
- An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS).
- WmsServiceInfo
- The service metadata for a Web Map Service (WMS).
- WmsSublayer
- An instance of this class allows you to get data from a WMS service.
- WmtsLayer
- A layer that can visualize data from a WMTS service by using pre-generated tiles.
- WmtsLayerInfo
- Metadata about an individual Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer within a WMTS service.
- WmtsService
- An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
- WmtsServiceInfo
- The service metadata for a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).
- WmtsTileMatrix
- An object that represents the WMTS tile matrix.
- WmtsTileMatrixSet
- An object that represents the WMTS tile matrix set.
- AngularUnitId
- Defines a list of the most commonly-used angular units of measurement.
- AnimationCurve
- Control how the map view is moved between positions.
- AntialiasingMode
- An enumeration of various antialiasing modes.
- ArcGISExceptionType
- The list of possible generic errors.
- ArcGISFeatureLayerInfoServiceType
- The type of the dataset underlying an ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.
- ArcGISFontStyle
- The list of possible font styles.
- ArcGISFontWeight
- The list of possible font weights.
- ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType
- The type of sublayer in the ArcGIS map service.
- AreaUnitId
- Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of area measurement. These values can be used to create instances of AreaUnit, as an alternative to using well-known IDs (WKIDs). In addition to the units in this enumeration, you can also use less commonly-used units, by passing a WKID of an area unit to the inherited Unit.fromWkid factory method. The function Unit.wkid returns the WKID of the unit.
- AttachmentSyncDirection
- The direction to synchronize attachments as part of geodatabase sync task.
- AttributeUnit
- Types of unit for network attributes.
- AuthenticationChallengeType
- BarrierType
- Intended-usage types for barriers.
- BasemapStyle
- The list of basemap styles.
- BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy
- Options for setting the language on a Basemap created from a BasemapStyle.
- CacheStorageFormat
- The storage format of a tile cache.
- CurbApproach
- The curb approach type.
- DestinationTableRowFilter
- Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows. Used by the property GenerateOfflineMapParameters.destinationTableRowFilter.
- DirectionManeuverType
- Type of direction maneuver.
- DirectionMessageType
- Type of direction string.
- DirectionsStyle
- The network directions output type.
- DrawingTool
- An enumeration of available drawing tools.
- DrawStatus
- The status of drawing in the GeoViewController.
- EditOperation
- The various types of edits.
- EsriVectorTilesDownloadOption
- Enumerates options for downloading an Esri vector tiled basemap service.
- ExpirationType
- Enumerates the possible types of expiration.
- FeatureRenderingMode
- Rendering modes available for feature layers.
- FeatureRequestMode
- The feature request mode for a service feature table. It determines (1) whether features are cached locally (for quicker access by map and scene layers) and (2) whether queries are performed on the local cache or on the server.
- FeatureServiceSessionType
- An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data.
- FeatureTilingMode
- Feature tiling modes available to feature layers. This determines how feature tiling is handled for each layer. Using the default mode is highly recommended. As of now, only services based on service feature tables support feature tiling.
- FieldType
- The different types of a row value variant.
- FontDecoration
- The list of possible font decorations.
- GarsConversionMode
- Indicates the location of a point relative to a GARS cell.
- GenerateLayerQueryOption
- Control which features for a layer or table are copied from the server when creating a geodatabase.
- GenerateOfflineMapUpdateMode
- Different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.
- GeodatabaseDatasetType
- The types of geodatabase datasets.
- GeodeticCurveType
- The different types of geodetic curves.
- GeometryDimension
- Indicates the dimensionality of a Geometry, relating to the number of spatial dimensions in which the geometry may have a size.
- GeometryEditorScaleMode
- Determines how a geometry can be interactively scaled (resized) while using the GeometryEditor.
- GeometryExtendOptions
- Flags for the type of extend operation to perform.
- GeometryOffsetType
- The different types of geometry offset joints.
- GeometryType
- The different types of geometries.
- GraphicsRenderingMode
- The different rendering modes for GraphicsOverlay.
- GridLabelPosition
- A positioning scheme to use when labeling a Grid.
- GroupVisibilityMode
- The visibility modes on a group layer.
- HorizontalAlignment
- The list of possible horizontal alignments.
- HttpOperation
- The list of available HTTP operations.
- JobMessageSeverity
- The different levels of severity of a job message.
- JobMessageSource
- The origin of a job message.
- JobStatus
- Indicates the current status of a job.
- JoinType
- The join type (left outer or left inner) of a table join sublayer source.
- LatitudeLongitudeFormat
- Supported formats for representing latitude-longitude geographical coordinates as a string.
- LatitudeLongitudeGridLabelFormat
- The format to use when labeling a LatitudeLongitudeGrid.
- LayerViewStatus
- The status of a layer in the GeoViewController.
- LicenseLevel
- The different license levels.
- LicenseStatus
- The different license statuses that occur from setting a license.
- LicenseType
- The different license types.
- LinearUnitId
- Defines a list of the most commonly-used units of linear measurement.
- LoadStatus
- The load status for the object.
- LocalItemType
- An enumeration of various types of local items.
- LocationDataSourceStatus
- The list of possible LocationDataSource statuses.
- LocationDisplayAutoPanMode
- An enumeration of the various modes that define how the map view extent reacts to location changes.
- LocationStatus
- Status regarding the network location associated with a stop.
- MapServiceImageFormat
- The image formats supported by ArcGIS map services and ArcGIS image services.
- MgrsConversionMode
- Determines the lettering scheme and treatment of coordinates at 180 degrees longitude when converting MGRS coordinates.
- MgrsGridLabelUnit
- The unit to use when labeling a MgrsGrid.
- NetworkDirectionsSupport
- An enumeration of the various types of RouteTaskInfo.directionsSupport values.
- NoDataTileBehavior
- The ImageTiledLayer behavior for the tiles without data.
- OfflineMapParametersType
- Indicates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.
- OfflineUpdateAvailability
- Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be determined.
- OgcAxisOrder
- The different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order.
- OnlineOnlyServicesOption
- Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).
- PortalAccess
- Indicates the level of access to this portal object: private, shared, organization, or public.
- PortalConnection
- The connection type used while loading the portal.
- PortalItemType
- An enumeration of various types of portal items.
- PortalQuerySortOrder
- The order of results of a portal query.
- PreplannedPackagingStatus
- Enumerates the different packaging states that an online PreplannedMapArea can be in.
- PreplannedScheduledUpdatesOption
- Enumerates options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.
- PreplannedUpdateMode
- Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.
- QueryFeatureFields
- Controls which attributes are included in the features returned by ServiceFeatureTable.queryFeaturesWithFieldOptions or ServiceFeatureTable.queryRelatedFeaturesWithFieldOptions.
- RelationshipCardinality
- An enumeration of the different cardinalities of feature table relationships.
- RelationshipConstraintViolationType
- The various constraint violations that may occur when relating two features.
- RelationshipRole
- An enumeration of the different roles of feature table relationships.
- RendererClassificationMethod
- The classification method used to generate class breaks.
- RendererNormalizationType
- The different types of normalization.
- ReturnLayerAttachmentOption
- Indicate the type of layers we wish to include attachments with when taking feature layers offline.
- RotationType
- The list of possible rotation types.
- RouteShapeType
- The type of shape output for a route.
- SelectionMode
- Describes how to combine a feature selection request with the current selected features list.
- ServiceAreaOverlapGeometry
- Service area overlap geometry.
- ServiceAreaPolygonCutoffGeometry
- Service area polygon cutoff geometry.
- ServiceAreaPolygonDetail
- Service area polygon detail.
- ServiceCurveGeometryMode
- How curve geometries are fetched from and sent to services that support curves.
- ServiceType
- An enumeration of the different types of ArcGIS services.
- ShapeToolType
- The shapes that can be created by using a ShapeTool with a GeometryEditor.
- SimpleFillSymbolStyle
- The list of possible simple fill symbol styles.
- SimpleLineSymbolMarkerPlacement
- The list of possible marker placements on a simple line symbol.
- SimpleLineSymbolMarkerStyle
- The list of possible marker styles to place on a simple line symbol.
- SimpleLineSymbolStyle
- The list of possible simple line symbol styles.
- SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle
- The list of possible simple marker symbol styles.
- SnapState
- The resulting snap state when snapping to or from a snap candidate.
- SortOrder
- The various ways a query result can be ordered by.
- SpatialRelationship
- The various operators for spatially relating geometries.
- StartTimeUsage
- A start time usage type. Allows to choose how to enter a time value.
- StatisticType
- An enumeration that represents the various statistics that can be calculated for values in a field in a table.
- StopType
- A stop's type. Specifies the type of a route stop.
- SublayerSourceType
- The different types of sublayer sources.
- SymbolAngleAlignment
- The list of possible symbol angle alignment types.
- SyncDirection
- The direction to synchronize as part of geodatabase sync task.
- SyncModel
- The various types of sync models.
- TextAntialiasingMode
- An enumeration of the different text antialiasing modes.
- TileImageFormat
- The image formats supported by tiled layers.
- TimeRelation
- Indicates how the start and end time of the time slider extent are processed.
- TimeUnit
- The units of time used in a service, layer or sublayer which support time based operations.
- TravelDirection
- A travel direction type. Options for traveling to or from the facility. The default is defined in the network layer.
- UnitSystem
- Supported units of distance.
- UserInterfaceStyle
- Constants indicating the interface style.
- UsngGridLabelUnit
- The unit to use when labeling an UsngGrid.
- UtilityNetworkSyncMode
- The different modes for generation and synchronization of utility networks as part of a geodatabase sync task.
- UtmConversionMode
- Determines how latitude is designated in UTM notation.
- UTurnPolicy
- Type of backtracking allowed when querying for adjacencies in a network view.
- VersionAccess
- The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.
- VerticalAlignment
- The list of possible vertical alignments.
- ViewpointType
- Different types of Viewpoint.
- WmsVersion
- The different versions of the WMS service.
- WrapAroundMode
- Should wrap around be used or not.
T> - An interface for reading and writing JSON.
- Loadable
- An interface for loading metadata for an object.
on Future<
T> - Futures returned by arcgis_maps can be converted to CancelableOperations using the cancelable property. (Futures from other sources cannot be converted.)
T extends Enum> (List< T> values, int coreValue) → Set<T>
Exceptions / Errors
- ArcGISException
- Exception type to express exceptions from the ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter.