grid property

Grid? grid

A coordinate system grid to display on top of the ArcGISMapViewController.

The Grid is a collection of horizontal and vertical lines which can be rendered over the top of an ArcGISMapViewController to help show the location of the current Viewpoint. Supported grids include Military Grid Reference System (MgrsGrid), United States National Grid (UsngGrid), Universal Transverse Mercator (UtmGrid), and a grid of latitude and longitude lines (LatitudeLongitudeGrid). You can configure these grids by toggling their visibility and modifying their default layout and appearance. A grid will not display in the ArcGISMapViewController until an ArcGISMapViewController.arcGISMap has been loaded.

The default value is null.


Grid? get grid => _grid.value;
void grid=(Grid? value)


set grid(Grid? value) => _grid.value = value;