rotation property

double rotation

The rotation angle of the ArcGISMap in degrees from its north-south direction.

If the map has been rotated in a clockwise direction the rotation value is negative. If it has been rotated in a counterclockwise direction the value is positive. For example, if the rotation value is -90 the top of the ArcGISMapViewController will display an eastern part of the ArcGISMap.

Users can interactively rotate the map using the map view's keyboard, mouse or touch rotation gestures. You can rotate the map programmatically using methods that set the Viewpoint, such as ArcGISMapViewController.setViewpointRotation or GeoViewController.setViewpoint.


double get rotation {
  return _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_MapView_getRotation(_handle, errorHandler);