visibleArea property

Polygon? visibleArea

The map view's visible area.

The visible area represents the portion of the ArcGISMap that is visible in the ArcGISMapViewController. When a new ArcGISMap is assigned to an ArcGISMapViewController, the default value of the visible area is set from the GeoModel.initialViewpoint.

Users can interactively navigate the map to change the visible area, or you can programmatically change this using methods that set the Viewpoint, such as GeoViewController.setViewpoint.

The visible area polygon always contains one ring with four vertices, each representing a corner of the map. It is a Polygon and not an Envelope because the map may be rotated and each corner of the map may contain unique x-y coordinates. Note that the visible area excludes the portion of the map obscured by the map view's attribution bar. As a result, the edges and center of the visible area may not coincide with the bounds and center of the ArcGISMapViewController.


Polygon? get visibleArea {
  final objectHandle = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_MapView_getVisibleArea(_handle, errorHandler);
  return Polygon._fromHandle(objectHandle);