extent property

Envelope? extent

The geographic extent of features within the table.

This is calculated differently for specific types and modes of feature tables:

  • ServiceFeatureTable. If the feature request mode is FeatureRequestMode.manualCache the service feature table will return the extent of the features which have been cached. All other modes will return the extent of the layer/table defined by the service (from ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.extent). This can be used to determine the extent within which data can be edited.

  • GeodatabaseFeatureTable. This returns the extent of the features which have been cached. This extent can grow as features are added or edited, but not shrink.


Envelope? get extent {
  final objectHandle = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_FeatureTable_getExtent(_handle, errorHandler);
  return Envelope._fromHandle(objectHandle);