utilityNetworkSyncMode property

UtilityNetworkSyncMode utilityNetworkSyncMode

Specifies the generation and synchronization mode of Utility Network data from the service to an offline geodatabase.

Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Utility Network System data can be optionally included.

When this property is set to something other than UtilityNetworkSyncMode.none, the schema of all data layers and tables in the feature service is required to support querying associations or tracing offline.

You can filter feature data using GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.layerOptions by:

Excluding data layers or including system layers of the feature service in the GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.layerOptions will result in an error in the GenerateGeodatabaseJob.

Use SyncCapabilities to check which synchronization mode the feature service supports. If SyncCapabilities.supportsUtilityNetworkSystem is true, UtilityNetworkSyncMode.syncSystemTables may be used. If SyncCapabilities.supportsUtilityNetworkTopology is also true, UtilityNetworkSyncMode.syncSystemAndTopologyTables may be used.

Setting this property to something other than UtilityNetworkSyncMode.none allows offline UtilityNetwork query associations. Setting this property to SyncCapabilities.supportsUtilityNetworkTopology also enables offline tracing.

When a replica is created with tracing support from an ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or earlier feature service, the GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.syncModel must be SyncModel.none. As of ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3, feature services configured with edit capabilities will support SyncModel.geodatabase.

Utility network sync mode ([UtilityNetworkSyncMode]) Required sync capabilities ([SyncCapabilities]) Enables utility network capabilities (`UtilityNetworkCapabilities`)
[UtilityNetworkSyncMode.none] No sync capability required No utility network capability enabled
[UtilityNetworkSyncMode.syncSystemTables] `SyncCapabilities.supportsUtilityNetworkSystem` `UtilityNetworkCapabilities.supportsQueryAssociations`
[UtilityNetworkSyncMode.syncSystemAndTopologyTables] `SyncCapabilities.supportsUtilityNetworkSystem`, `SyncCapabilities.supportsUtilityNetworkTopology` `UtilityNetworkCapabilities.supportsQueryAssociations`, `UtilityNetworkCapabilities.supportsTrace`

The default value is UtilityNetworkSyncMode.none. Utility Network System data will not be included.

This property can be used at the same time as specifying other additional data types to be included.


UtilityNetworkSyncMode get utilityNetworkSyncMode {
  final coreValue = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore
            _handle, errorHandler);
  return UtilityNetworkSyncMode._fromCoreValue(coreValue);
void utilityNetworkSyncMode=(UtilityNetworkSyncMode value)


set utilityNetworkSyncMode(UtilityNetworkSyncMode value) {
  _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
        _handle, value.coreValue, errorHandler);