version property

String version

The version of the ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene when it is loaded. The version of a newly created ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene is empty.

When you load an existing map or scene, the version value is the version that it was created at, according to the [ESRI web map specification or ESRI web scene specification, respectively.

You can make changes to a map (associated with a PortalItem) and save it back to the web map it originated from. Alternatively, you can save a map as a new web map on a specified Portal with a given title and folder. In these cases, the version of the saved map will be the version of the [ESRI web map specification supported by this API. You cannot save changes to maps in mobile map packages.

Saving changes to scenes is not currently supported.


String get version {
  final stringHandle = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_GeoModel_getVersion(_handle, errorHandler);
  return stringHandle.toDartString();