currentBearing property

double currentBearing

Current bearing in degrees.

Current bearing in degrees, measured clockwise from true north. Typical values are 0 to 360 or NaN, negative values will be subtracted from 360 (e.g. -15 => 345), values greater than 360 will be have 360 subtracted from them (e.g. 385 => 25). For this property to be used the bearing tolerance also has to be set.


double get currentBearing {
  return _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_Incident_getCurrentBearing(_handle, errorHandler);
void currentBearing=(double value)


set currentBearing(double value) {
  _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    runtimecore.RT_Incident_setCurrentBearing(_handle, value, errorHandler);