run method

Future<T> run()

Starts the job and returns a Future that completes with either the result of the job or an error if the job did not finish successfully.


Future<T> run() {
  switch (status) {
    case JobStatus.notStarted:
    case JobStatus.paused:
      final isStarted = start();
      if (isStarted) {
        return _jobDoneCompleter!.future;
      } else {
        return Future<T>.error(
            ArcGISException._(message: 'Job failed to start.'));
    case JobStatus.started:
      return _jobDoneCompleter!.future;
    case JobStatus.succeeded:
      return Future.value(result!);
    case JobStatus.failed:
      return Future.error(error!);
    case JobStatus.canceling:
      return Future<T>.error(
          ArcGISException._(message: 'Job has been canceled.'));