licenseType property

LicenseType licenseType

The license type of the current license.

In developer mode, this function returns LicenseType.developer. Otherwise, it can return LicenseType.namedUser if the app was licensed by logging in to a portal and acquiring a LicenseInfo, or LicenseType.licenseKey if the app was licensed from a license string. The license type can change while an app runs. For instance, the app may start running licensed with a Lite license key (LicenseType.licenseKey) and later become licensed from LicenseInfo (LicenseType.namedUser).


LicenseType get licenseType {
  final coreValue = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_License_getLicenseType(_handle, errorHandler);
  return LicenseType._fromCoreValue(coreValue);