autoPanMode property

LocationDisplayAutoPanMode autoPanMode

Defines how the ArcGISMapViewController reacts when location updates are received.

The different auto-pan modes are suited for different types of app, including modes designed for navigation on foot and in a vehicle. They affect the symbols used to display device location, the initial zooming behavior, and the panning behavior of the ArcGISMapViewController.

The auto-pan modes include:

  • Recenter - the map view attempts to keep the location symbol on-screen by re-centering the location symbol when the symbol moves outside an extent defined by the LocationDisplay.wanderExtentFactor.
  • Navigation - the location symbol is pinned to a point on the screen and always points toward the top edge of the device. The map pans and rotates based on location updates and the direction of travel.
  • Compass navigation - the location symbol is pinned to a point on the screen and always points toward the top edge of the device. The map rotates based on the user's bearing relative to magnetic north.
  • Off - the map only updates the position of the location symbol on the map.

To start the LocationDisplay in a specific mode, call this method before you start the LocationDataSource.

Any default zooming behavior (besides scrolling) or any operation that modifies the Viewpoint will automatically set the auto-pan mode to

The default auto-pan mode is


LocationDisplayAutoPanMode get autoPanMode {
  final coreValue = _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_LocationDisplay_getAutoPanMode(
        _handle, errorHandler);
  return LocationDisplayAutoPanMode._fromCoreValue(coreValue);
void autoPanMode=(LocationDisplayAutoPanMode value)


set autoPanMode(LocationDisplayAutoPanMode value) {
  _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
        _handle, value.coreValue, errorHandler);