Class TransportationNetworkDataset

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class TransportationNetworkDataset extends Object implements GeodatabaseDataset
A transportation network dataset of a map or scene stored in a mobile map or scene package.

A transportation network, such as a street, pedestrian, or railroad network, models networks that typically permit travel in both directions. Map and scene authors can use ArcGIS Pro to create a mobile map or scene package that includes transportation networks. For more information, see Create a mobile map package or Author a mobile scene package.

If you create a map or scene from one of these packages, you can obtain its TransportationNetworkDataset from the read-only collection of GeoModel.getTransportationNetworks(). To perform a route, closest facility, or service area network analysis on the transportation network, you construct the respective RouteTask, ClosestFacilityTask, or ServiceAreaTask, using this TransportationNetworkDataset.

See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getAlias Link icon

      public String getAlias()
      Returns alias of transportation network dataset.
      a string that represents transportation network dataset.
    • getGeodatabase Link icon

      public Geodatabase getGeodatabase()
      Description copied from interface: GeodatabaseDataset
      Returns the geodatabase that this data set belongs to.
      Specified by:
      getGeodatabase in interface GeodatabaseDataset
      the Geodatabase instance that this data set belongs to
    • getName Link icon

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: GeodatabaseDataset
      Returns name of dataset.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface GeodatabaseDataset
      a string that represents name of dataset.