Release notes for 200.5

This page provides details about enhancements in the 200.5 release of ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java. It also lists deprecations, resolved issues, known issues, and more.



New basemap style

The ArcGIS Outdoor style is now available in the Native Maps SDKs.


Edit feature services with a Lite license for data hosted by ArcGIS Location Platform

In general, a Native SDK needs to be licensed at the Basic license level to edit features in a private feature service. In this release, we've enabled the ability to edit features in a private feature service at the Lite license level when the feature data is hosted by ArcGIS Location Platform. The data in this case, is owned by an ArcGIS Location Platform account. This new support applies for both connected and offline workflows. Feature services hosted by ArcGIS Location Platform are always private as they require authentication to access. For more information on data hosting with ArcGIS Location Platform, see the Portal and data services guide.

SDK enhancements

There are no SDK enhancements with this release.

Breaking API changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

Behavior changes

  • GeometryEngine.cut() now supports true curve input geometries, preserving true curves in the result geometries.
  • GeometryEngine.bufferGeodetic() now supports true curve input geometries, producing densified curves in the result geometries.
  • GeotriggerMonitor will take into account new, updated, or deleted feature fences that are created from a FeatureCollectionTable or ArcGISFeatureTable if the features are updated locally within the app, through offline sync, or remotely (via a feature service with a refresh interval set).
  • Realistic sun: In a scene view, the sun now appears at the correct position in the sky for the specified date, time of day, and geographic location. This feature is enabled only when sunlighting is turned on the SceneView class.
  • The spatial reference of the GeoModel is now automatically adopted when loading a ServiceFeatureTable or an OgcFeatureCollectionTable belonging to a layer in that GeoModel, as long as the layer type supports changing the spatial reference. Previously, the tables were loaded in the layer's spatial reference.


API deprecations

ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java is deprecated. For more information, see the deprecation announcement.

OS and framework deprecations

There are no OS or framework deprecations in this release.

Issues resolved

Issues addressed in this release are listed below.

  • BUG-000154793: The clone property for the feature layer does not clone the respective LabelDefinitions to a new feature layer object.
  • ENH-000158877: Allow a way to update the features in that trigger geotriggers in ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java (NOTE: this ENH is for .NET but the enhancement is not API specific).
  • BUG-000163776: Dictionary Renderer Expression scaling renders incorrectly in 3D.
  • BUG-000166643: Repeatedly opening a SceneView intermittently crashes, when the scene has a vector tiled layer.
  • BUG-000167816: GeodatabaseFeatureTable.LoadAysnc causes Esri.ArcGISRuntime.ArcGISRuntimeException: No Data.
  • BUG-000168210: Getting a 'no-data' error when trying to load a geodatabase feature table from a mobile geodatabase.
  • BUG-000169090: Improve level of detail selection when no elevation tiles are available.
  • Issue reported on Esri Community: Handle missing ows:Constraint in WMTS Capabilities.
  • Issue reported on Esri Community: Crash when clearing image overlays from the collection.

Known issues

There are no known issues with this release.

Changes in samples

There are no sample updates with this release.

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