Class GeotriggerNotificationInfo

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class GeotriggerNotificationInfo
    extends Object
    Provides details about a Geotrigger condition that has been met.

    A GeotriggerNotificationInfo is sent by a GeotriggerMonitor whenever the condition described by its Geotrigger is met. The Geotrigger also defines how the GeotriggerNotificationInfo should be created. For example, it describes what message should be displayed to the user.

    • Method Detail

      • getActions

        public List<String> getActions()
        Gets a set of strings describing recommended actions based on this notification.

        Optionally, use these strings to determine whether your app will perform custom behavior, such as showing messages or starting/stopping tracking. Note that there is no requirement to take any action when a notification is delivered, but these provide a way to understand the intention of the author of the Geotrigger. This property can be empty.

        These actions are the result of evaluating the Geotrigger.getMessageExpression() for the specific objects that triggered this notification. If the expression returns a dictionary containing a list of strings with the key "actions", they are shown in this property.

        For example, if the Geotrigger.getMessageExpression() evaluates to a dictionary of getMessageProperties() containing the following key value pairs:

        • "message" with the string "Hello world"
        • "actions" with a list of action strings "startTracking"

        then this property returns a list containing "startTracking". The list of actions are simple strings, so you can use them to control any custom action for your app.

        The author of a Geotrigger can supply a set of all the possible Geotrigger.getRequestedActions() when defining the Geotrigger. This property returns a list of strings indicating the actions that should be taken by your app, based on this GeotriggerNotificationInfo.

        a set of strings describing recommended actions based on this notification
      • getFeedEntityId

        public String getFeedEntityId()
        Gets a unique ID for the entity within the feed that triggered the notification info.

        This property is consistent for all notifications for a given feed entity. For example, use this ID to count the number of sites a team member visits.

        If a feed is a LocationGeotriggerFeed, all location updates for that feed share the same ID.

        With a FenceGeotrigger, you can combine this property with the FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo.getFenceId() to create an ID that groups all notifications for a given feed entity and a specific fence. For example, use a concatenation of the two properties to display a list of areas of interest that are currently occupied and the details of who has entered them.

        To group events by the geotrigger, use the Geotrigger.getGeotriggerId() property.

        a unique ID for the entity within the feed that triggered the notification info
        See Also:
        FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo.getFenceId(), Geotrigger.getGeotriggerId()
      • getGeotriggerMonitor

        public GeotriggerMonitor getGeotriggerMonitor()
        Gets the GeotriggerMonitor that sent this notification.

        The GeotriggerMonitor evaluates a specific Geotrigger condition that has been met by this GeotriggerNotificationInfo. A single Geotrigger condition can result in multiple, repeat notifications.

        Use this property to interact directly with the GeotriggerMonitor. For example, if you no longer want to receive future notifications, you can call GeotriggerMonitor.stop().

        the GeotriggerMonitor that sent this notification
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Gets a message that describes the notification.

        The notification message is the result of evaluating the Geotrigger.getMessageExpression() for the specific objects that triggered this notification. The message could be a hard-coded string or use attributes from an area of interest that was entered to display a custom message.

        For example, with a FenceGeotrigger, setting the Geotrigger.getMessageExpression() property to:

        "You have entered " + $fencefeature.area_name

        would return the getMessage() "You have entered Area A", where "area_name" is an attribute field on the FenceGeotriggerNotificationInfo.getFenceGeoElement().

        You can use this message to alert the user directly or in other business logic in your app.

        a message that describes the notification
      • getMessageProperties

        public Map<String,​Object> getMessageProperties()
        Gets a dictionary of optional properties derived from the Geotrigger.getMessageExpression().

        Optionally, you can evaluate the ArcadeExpression to produce properties on top of the basic getMessage(). You can access this additional information via this dictionary.

        a dictionary of optional properties derived from the Geotrigger.getMessageExpression().