Class NmeaLocationDataSource

    • Constructor Detail

      • NmeaLocationDataSource

        public NmeaLocationDataSource()
        Creates an NMEA location data source object. Locations created from this data source will have a SpatialReference of WGS84.
      • NmeaLocationDataSource

        public NmeaLocationDataSource​(SpatialReference receiverSpatialReference,
                                      SpatialReference outputSpatialReference,
                                      DatumTransformation outputDatumTransformation)
        Creates an NMEA location data source object. Locations from this data source will be projected from the SpatialReference defined by the receiverSpatialReference parameter to the spatial reference defined by the outputSpatialReference parameter using the datum transformation defined by outputDatumTransformation. If the outputSpatialReference is null, the locations will not be projected and the locations will be in the receiverSpatialReference, ignoring the outputDatumTransformation.

        This constructor can be be used when a receiver is outputting locations in a SpatialReference other than WGS84, such as when using a reference base station, and/or the application requires the output locations to be projected to a different SpatialReference using a DatumTransformation.

        receiverSpatialReference - the spatial reference of incoming NMEA receiver data
        outputSpatialReference - the spatial reference to project the NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation to
        outputDatumTransformation - the DatumTransformation to use when projecting the NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation
        IllegalArgumentException - if receiverSpatialReference is null
      • NmeaLocationDataSource

        public NmeaLocationDataSource​(SpatialReference receiverSpatialReference,
                                      SpatialReference outputSpatialReference)
        Creates an NMEA location data source object. Locations from this data source will be projected from the SpatialReference defined by the receiverSpatialReference parameter to the spatial reference defined by the outputSpatialReference parameter. If the outputSpatialReference parameter is null, the locations will not be projected and the locations will be in the receiverSpatialReference.

        This constructor can be be used when a receiver is outputting locations in a SpatialReference other than WGS84, such as when using a reference base station, and/or the application requires the output locations to be projected to a different SpatialReference.

        receiverSpatialReference - the spatial reference of incoming NMEA receiver data
        outputSpatialReference - the spatial reference to project the NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation to
        IllegalArgumentException - if receiverSpatialReference is null
      • NmeaLocationDataSource

        public NmeaLocationDataSource​(SpatialReference receiverSpatialReference)
        Creates an NMEA location data source object. Locations from this data source will have a SpatialReference defined by the receiverSpatialReference parameter.

        This constructor can be used when a receiver is outputting locations in a SpatialReference other than WGS84, such as when using a reference base station.

        receiverSpatialReference - the spatial reference of incoming NMEA receiver data
        IllegalArgumentException - if receiverSpatialReference is null
    • Method Detail

      • getReceiverSpatialReference

        public SpatialReference getReceiverSpatialReference()
        Gets the SpatialReference to be assigned to the output NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation; the default is WGS84. By default, this will be WGS84 for its horizontal (WKID=4326) and vertical reference systems (WKID=115700). This can be set to a different spatial reference if a receiver returns locations in a different reference system.
        the spatial reference to be assigned to the output location, the default is WGS84
      • pushData

        public void pushData​(byte[] data)
        Reads the input NMEA data creating an NmeaLocationDataSource.NmeaLocation. The NMEA location data source needs to be started before calling this method.

        When pushing data:

        • Each sentence needs to begins with a '$'.
        • Each sentence needs to end with carriage return/line feed sequence.
        • Single or multiple sentences can be pushed at one time, all strings in the buffer will be parsed.
        • There is no explicit limit on the amount of data that can pushed at one time.
        • If a partial sentences are pushed the data source accumulates (and concatenates) the pushed data until a carriage return/line feed sequence is reached.
        • The data source parses these messages types: GGA, GSA, GST, GSV, RMC, VTG.
        • Each sentence's checksum is validated.
        • Unknown/bad/incorrect sentences are ignored (They do not produce any location, satellite updates etc.).
        • Sentences support up to 256 characters (This is beyond the NMEA spec's 82 character limit to support receiver's that output longer sentences).
        • Messages should be of the form: "$XXYYY,[data]*[checksum]\r\n"
        See for more information on the NMEA standard.
        data - the data buffer that contains NMEA data