Class LatitudeLongitudeGrid
- java.lang.Object
- com.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.Grid
- com.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.LatitudeLongitudeGrid
public final class LatitudeLongitudeGrid extends Grid
Represents a grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude (also known as graticules).The grid is supported in spatial references which are continuously pannable or some polar spatial references. You can check that the
property on your spatial reference is true.Examples of continuously pannable spatial references include WGS84 (WKID 4326) and Web Mercator Auxilliary Sphere (WKID 102113, 102100, or 3857).
The following polar spatial references are also supported:
- North pole Azimuthal Equidistant (WKID 102016)
- North pole gnomic (WKID 102034)
- North pole lambert equal area (WKID 102017)
- North pole orthographic (WKID 102035)
- North pole stereographic (WKID 102018)
- NSIDE EASE North (WKID 3408)
- NSIDC Sea Ice polar stereographic north (WKID 3411)
- WGS 1984 NSIDC Sea Ice Polar Stereographic North (WKID 3413)
- UPS North (WKID 32661)
- South pole Azimuthal Equidistant (WKID 102019)
- South pole gnomic (WKID 102036)
- South pole lambert equal area (WKID 102020)
- South pole orthographic (WKID 102037)
- South pole stereographic (WKID 102021)
- NSIDE EASE South (WKID 3409)
- NSIDC Sea Ice polar stereographic South (WKID 3412)
- UPS South (WKID 32761)
- WGS1984 Antarctic polar stereographic (WKID 3031)
- Since:
- 100.0.0 for JavaSE and 100.2.0 for Android
Nested Class Summary
Nested Classes Modifier and Type Class Description static class
Represents the possible grid label distance formats that can be displayed to grid.-
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.Grid
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description LatitudeLongitudeGrid()
Creates a new Latitude-Longitude grid.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat
Gets distance format used by grid labels.void
setLabelFormat​(LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat labelFormat)
Sets distance format used by grid labels.-
Methods inherited from class com.esri.arcgisruntime.mapping.view.Grid
getLabelOffset, getLabelPosition, getLevelCount, getLineSymbol, getTextSymbol, isLabelVisible, isVisible, setLabelOffset, setLabelPosition, setLabelVisible, setLineSymbol, setTextSymbol, setVisible
Method Detail
public void setLabelFormat​(LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat labelFormat)
Sets distance format used by grid labels.- Parameters:
- format for grid labels to use- Throws:
- if labelUnit is null- Since:
- 100.0.0 for JavaSE and 100.2.0 for Android
public LatitudeLongitudeGrid.LabelFormat getLabelFormat()
Gets distance format used by grid labels.Default value is DECIMAL_DEGREES.
- Returns:
- the grid label format used
- Since:
- 100.0.0 for JavaSE and 100.2.0 for Android