Requirements - components (beta)

Web component dependencies

When building applications, it's important to understand the dependencies for the component packages. For more information about dependency versioning, see the npm CLI documentation.

Peer dependencies

The functionality of the component packages depends on compatible versions of @arcgis/core and @esri/calcite-components, which are defined in a component's package.json as peerDependencies. These peer dependencies are installed by default when using npm:


These packages are required for the component packages to work correctly and they are automatically installed when using npm. They are defined in the project's package.json as dependencies:


You may have your own requirements to use a specific version of these dependencies. In that case, you will need to install the dependencies manually and respect the following versioning rules:

  • @arcgis/core - only use a compatible patch version.
  • @esri/calcite-components - only use any compatible minor version.
  • @stencil/core - must use the same version.

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