The ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript's @arcgis/map-components and @arcgis/core packages can be installed locally using the npm command-line interface.
To get started, install both npm and Node.js. Additionally, a client-side build tool that includes a module bundler and a local web server, such as Vite.js, is required for developing and testing your application.
Using a framework or transpiler is optional and depends on your specific requirements. It's important to have a basic understanding of how these tools work. For an introduction to these concepts, see the Additional Information section below.
Managing dependencies
When using npm, the package.json
file specifies the initial set of packages needed to run and build the application. When each of these npm packages are installed, they also specify their own unique dependencies.
If you are new to working with local build tools, it's important to understand how the package.json works with dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies.
To use map components, install the @arcgis/map-components
package and its dependencies into your project:
npm install @arcgis/map-components
Create layout
In your index.html
file, add the arcgis-map
component and reference the main.js
file. Each component is a custom element that you add to your application using an HTML tag. They work just like any other HTML element such as a <div
<arcgis-map item-id="e691172598f04ea8881cd2a4adaa45ba">
<arcgis-legend position="top-right"></arcgis-legend>
<script type="module" src="/main.js"></script>
Configure CSS
Configure the CSS and import it in the main.js
file. Specific examples are available for a variety of frameworks and module bundlers in the jsapi-resources GitHub repository. Here's a Vite example for the arcgis-map component:
/* Include calcite, core API and SDK component CSS */
@import "";
@import "";
@import "";
body {
margin: 0;
arcgis-map {
display: block;
height: 100vh;
import "./index.css";
Import components
Finally, individually import the SDK's components that you need, such as arcgis-map
and arcgis-legend
from the @arcgis/map-components package.
This registers the component with the browser's CustomElementRegistry. When the browser encounters the custom element's HTML tag, such as <arcgis-map
, it creates an instance of the element, adds it to the DOM and enables its functionality.
import "./index.css";
import "@arcgis/map-components/components/arcgis-map";
import "@arcgis/map-components/components/arcgis-legend";
You can now:
- Set properties
- Listen for events
- Add custom JavaScript logic
- Add other components, such as Charts (beta)
- Lastly, build the application
In the code snippet below, get a reference to the arcgis-map
component using document.query
so that you can add functionality. Then add an event listener for the arcgis-map
component's arcgis
.addEventListener("arcgisViewReadyChange", (event) => {
* Get a reference to the `WebMap`
* from the `event.detail` object.
const { map } = event.detail;
// Add more functionality here.
See the tutorial for step-by-step instructions on how to use a View with components.
Core API
To use the Core API's ES modules, install the @arcgis/core package into your project.
npm install @arcgis/core
Create layout
Add a div to your HTML and assign it an id
. This is where the map will be injected:
<div id="viewDiv"></div>
Configure CSS
Configure the CSS and import it in the main.js
file. Set the height
, width
, margin
and padding
properties. Specific examples are available for a variety of frameworks and module bundlers in the jsapi-resources GitHub repository. Here's a Vite example using @arcgis/core
#viewDiv {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
import "./index.css";
Import modules
Finally, individually import the SDK's modules that you need, such as @arcgis/core/
from the @arcgis/core package.
import "./index.css";
import Map from "@arcgis/core/Map";
import MapView from "@arcgis/core/views/MapView";
const map = new Map({
basemap: "topo-vector"
const view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv", // reference the div id
map: map,
zoom: 4,
center: [15, 65]
More information is available in the Using ESM import statements guide topic.
Import CSS
Choose a light or dark theme for the core API and/or component package, and include the corresponding CSS files in the application. The SDK uses Calcite in the components and widgets. You can add your own custom functionality using the Calcite Design System, which includes a UI kit, icons, color schemes, and a web component library with UI elements such as buttons, panels and more. Including Calcite is optional when using only the core API.
Stylesheets from the CDN can be used in the local build:
@import "";
@import "";
@import "";
Alternatively, local copies of the stylesheets can be used in the project:
@import "@esri/calcite-components/calcite/calcite.css";
@import "@arcgis/core/assets/esri/themes/dark/main.css";
@import "@arcgis/map-components/arcgis-map-components/arcgis-map-components.css";
The pattern for specifying this @import url
path is dependent on your framework or module bundler. MDN provides more information on the various patterns for using @import.
Working with assets
The SDK's assets include styles, images, web workers, wasm and localization files.
Default assets
For most use cases when doing local builds, it is recommended to use the SDK's assets from the ArcGIS CDN. They are loaded by default from the following URLs, and no additional configuration is required:
- @arcgis/core:
- @arcgis/map-components:
- @esri/calcite-components:
Using the ArcGIS CDN eliminates the need to bundle these assets with your local build. This reduces the on-disk build size, and can improve build times.
Local assets
There are scenarios where the assets need to be managed locally, such as when working in an environment with no access to the public internet. In these cases, you need to copy the assets into your project from the following directories:
- @arcgis/core:
_modules/@arcgis/core/assets - @arcgis/map-components:
_modules/@arcgis/map-components/dist/arcgis-map-components/assets/ - @esri/calcite-components:
A simple way to accomplish this is to configure an npm script that runs during your build process. Here is a Vite example that copies the assets to the correct project folder using cpx2
. Follow the cpx2
documentation for installing the package. Then add the copy commands to your package.json scripts for components, the Core API and Calcite. Check your framework or bundler documentation for best practices on using npm scripts or plugins for copying files.
"scripts": {
"dev": "npm run copy:all && vite",
"build": "npm run copy:all && vite build",
"copy:all": "npm run copy:components && npm run copy:core",
"copy:components": "cpx ./node_modules/@arcgis/map-components/dist/arcgis-map-components/assets/**/*.* /path-to-your-assets/",
"copy:core": "cpx ./node_modules/@arcgis/core/assets/**/*.* /path-to-your-assets/",
"copy:calcite": "cpx ./node_modules/@esri/calcite-components/dist/calcite/assets/**/*.* /path-to-your-assets/",
"postinstall": "npm run copy:all"
After copying, the next step is to configure the asset paths in your code to ensure the SDK can correctly locate and load these resources. This step is crucial in a local build environment, because the default asset paths may not align with your project's structure.
// Configure the asset path to your desired directory for components and core
import esriConfig from "@arcgis/core/config.js";
import { setAssetPath as setMapAssetPath } from "@arcgis/map-components";
// @arcgis/core assets
esriConfig.assetsPath = "/path-to-your-assets/";
// map-components assets
For more information on working with Calcite components and local assets, refer to Calcite's Get started and the Use the SDK in a disconnected environment guide topic.
Using ESM import statements
ES module import
statements are used to load individual API modules. There are three forms of import declarations: default, namespace and named:
// Default import
import WebMap from "@arcgis/core/WebMap.js";
// Namespace import
import * as projection from "@arcgis/core/geometry/projection.js";
At the top of each module's Core API Reference page is guidance on which import syntax to use: default or namespace. Most modules use a default import syntax as shown in the import Web
Class example above. Other modules, such as those providing helper functions, use a namespace import similar to the import * as projection
example. Depending on your stylistic preference, instead of a namespace import, you can also use a named import to reference the exact method that you need:
// Named import
import { load, project } from "@arcgis/core/geometry/projection.js";
You can also use an alias if you think there could be a variable naming conflict; for example, several classes use the load()
// Named import using an alias
import { load as projectionLoad, project } from "@arcgis/core/geometry/projection.js";
Whether you use default, namespace or named imports, module bundlers such as esbuild, rollup.js and Webpack will treat them the same when it comes to treeshaking, which is the process of removing unused code in order to create the smallest, most efficient build.
Using the ESM CDN
The ES modules CDN is for testing and prototyping only, it is not optimized for performance. For best performance in a production application, build the @arcgis/core modules locally. A sample is available in the jsapi-resources GitHub repository. Here's an HTML and JavaScript code snippet:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script type="module">
import Map from '';
const map = new Map({
basemap: "topo-vector"
Additional information
Please refer to these additional links for further information: