Styles and data visualization

Census tracts styled with a dot density renderer to show level of educational attainment

The gives you the ability to style and create visualizations for (2D) and (3D). Styling conveys a story about the data and helps you build more meaningful applications.

Learn how to style layers to create meaningful visualizations in the topics below.

Get started

Location style

Learn how to style layers with a simple renderer using 2D and 3D symbols.

Data-driven styles

Learn how to style layers based on data values using different renderers and symbols.

High density data

Learn various techniques for visualizing large, high density datasets.

3D visualization

Learn about how to visualize data using 3D symbols.

Techniques and best practices

Learn best practices for designing a layer style, including topics such as scale, color, and visual effects.

Symbols and color ramps

Browse hundreds of web styles and color ramps, and copy and paste them directly into your app.

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You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
