addXAxisGuide | Signature: addXAxisGuide(name: string, index?: number): void
Description: Adds an X-axis guide.
Parameters: name: string - The name of the guide.- Optional
index: number - The index to insert the new guide in the list of X-axis guides. If left undefined, the guide is appended to the end of the list.
Returns: void
deleteXAxisGuide | Signature: deleteXAxisGuide(index?: number): void
Description: Deletes an X-axis guide.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - The index of the guide to delete in the list of X-axis guides. If left undefined, the last guide in the list is deleted.
Returns: void
getAggregationType | Signature: getAggregationType(): "count" | "sum"
| "min" | "max" | "avg" | "stddev" | "var" | "percentile_cont"
| "percentile_disc" | "envelope-aggregate" | "centroid-aggregate" | "convex-hull-aggregate"
Description: Gets the aggregation type used for the gauge.
Returns: "count" | "sum" | "min" | "max" | "avg" | "stddev" |
"var" | "percentile_cont" | "percentile_disc" | "envelope-aggregate" | "centroid-aggregate" |
getAxisLabelsSymbol | Signature: getAxisLabelsSymbol(): undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
Description: Gets the axis labels text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Returns: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
getAxisLinesSymbol | Signature: getAxisLinesSymbol(): undefined | ISimpleLineSymbol
Description: Gets the axis lines symbol. Contains styling information such as line width, line style, and line color.
Returns: undefined | ISimpleLineSymbol
getAxisTickVisibility | Signature: getAxisTickVisibility(): boolean
Description: Gets whether the axis ticks are visible.
Returns: boolean
getBackgroundColor | Signature: getBackgroundColor(): undefined | Color
Description: Gets the background color of the chart.
Returns: undefined | Color
getChartId | Signature: getChartId(): undefined | string
Description: Gets the chart id.
Returns: undefined | string
getChartSubType | Signature: getChartSubType(): ChartSubType
Description: Gets the chart sub type of the series.
Returns: ChartSubType
getChartTitleVisibility | Signature: getChartTitleVisibility(): boolean
Description: Gets whether the chart title is visible or not.
- true: Chart title is visible.
- false: Chart title is hidden.
Returns: boolean
Note: Even if the title is visible, it may not be displayed if the title text is empty.
getChartType | Signature: getChartType(): ChartTypes
Description: Gets the chart type.
Returns: ChartTypes
getConfig | Signature: getConfig(): ChartConfig
Description: Gets the current chart configuration object.
Returns: ChartConfig
getDescriptionSymbol | Signature: getDescriptionSymbol(): undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
Description: Gets the description text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Returns: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
getDescriptionText | Signature: getDescriptionText(): string
Description: Gets the chart description text.
Returns: string
getDescriptionVisibility | Signature: getDescriptionVisibility(): boolean
Description: Gets whether the chart description is visible or not.
- true: Description is visible.
- false: Description is hidden.
Returns: boolean
Note: Even if the description is visible, it may not be displayed if the description text is empty.
getEndAngle | Signature: getEndAngle(): number
Description: Gets the end angle of the gauge.
Returns: number
getFeatureIndex | Signature: getFeatureIndex(): undefined | number
Description: Gets the index of the feature to be rendered.
Returns: undefined | number
Note: This property will be ignored for a statistic gauge (indicated via WebGaugeChart.subType property).
getFetchNULLValues | Signature: getFetchNULLValues(): boolean
Description: Gets whether to fetch null values for them to be counted or displayed as categories on the chart.
Returns: boolean
getField | Signature: getField(): string
Description: Gets the data field used for the gauge.
Returns: string
getGaugeSubType | Signature: getGaugeSubType(): GaugeChartSubTypes
Description: Gets the type of Gauge chart, like FeatureGauge and StatisticGauge.
Returns: GaugeChartSubTypes
Default: GaugeChartSubTypes.StatisticGauge
getGuideAbove | Signature: getGuideAbove(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): boolean
Description: Gets whether the guide should be rendered above the other chart elements.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: boolean
getGuideEnd | Signature: getGuideEnd(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): undefined | null | string | number | Date
Description: Gets the end value of a guide.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: undefined | null | string | number | Date
getGuideLabelsSymbol | Signature: getGuideLabelsSymbol(): undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
Description: Gets the guide labels text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Returns: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
getGuideLabelText | Signature: getGuideLabelText(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): undefined | string
Description: Gets the guide label text.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: undefined | string
getGuideName | Signature: getGuideName(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): undefined | string
Description: Gets the name of a guide.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: undefined | string
getGuideStart | Signature: getGuideStart(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): null | string | number | Date
Description: Gets the start value of a guide.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: null | string | number | Date
getGuideStyle | Signature: getGuideStyle(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): undefined | ISimpleLineSymbol | ISimpleFillSymbol
Description: Gets the guide style.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: undefined | ISimpleLineSymbol | ISimpleFillSymbol
getGuideVisibility | Signature: getGuideVisibility(index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): boolean
Description: Gets whether a guide is visible.
Parameters: - Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: boolean
getInnerLabelContent | Signature: getInnerLabelContent(): undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
Description: Gets the inner label content symbol.
Returns: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
getInnerLabelVisible | Signature: getInnerLabelVisible(): boolean
Description: Gets whether the inner label is visible.
Returns: boolean
getInnerRadius | Signature: getInnerRadius(): number
Description: Gets the inner radius of the gauge.
Returns: number
getLabelsIncrement | Signature: getLabelsIncrement(): undefined | number
Description: Gets the labels increment for the gauge.
Returns: undefined | number
getLayer | Signature: getLayer(): undefined | SupportedLayer
Description: Gets the associated layer.
Returns: undefined | SupportedLayer
getMaxXBound | Signature: getMaxXBound(): null | number
Description: Gets the maximum bound that is currently set for the x-axis.
Returns: null | number
getMinXBound | Signature: getMinXBound(): null | number
Description: Gets the minimum bound that is currently set for the x-axis.
Returns: null | number
getNeedleDisplayPin | Signature: getNeedleDisplayPin(): boolean
Description: Gets whether to display the pin for the gauge's needle.
Returns: boolean
getNeedleEndWidth | Signature: getNeedleEndWidth(): undefined | null | number
Description: Gets the end width of the gauge's needle.
Returns: undefined | null | number
getNeedleInnerRadius | Signature: getNeedleInnerRadius(): undefined | null | number
Description: Gets the inner radius of the gauge's needle.
Returns: undefined | null | number
getNeedleStartWidth | Signature: getNeedleStartWidth(): undefined | null | number
Description: Gets the start width of the gauge's needle.
Returns: undefined | null | number
getNeedleSymbol | Signature: getNeedleSymbol(): undefined | ISimpleFillSymbol
Description: Gets the symbol of the gauge's needle.
Returns: undefined | ISimpleFillSymbol
getNeedleVisibility | Signature: getNeedleVisibility(): boolean
Description: Gets the visibility of the gauge's needle.
Returns: boolean
getOnlyShowFirstAndLastLabels | Signature: getOnlyShowFirstAndLastLabels(): boolean
Description: Gets whether to only show the first and last labels.
Returns: boolean
getSeriesId | Signature: getSeriesId(seriesIndex: number): undefined | string
Description: Gets the series ID for a given series index. If the series index is out of bounds, this function will return undefined.
Parameters: Returns: undefined | string
getSeriesIndex | Signature: getSeriesIndex(seriesId: string): undefined | number
Description: Gets the series index for a given series ID. If the series ID is not found, this function will return undefined.
Parameters: Returns: undefined | number
getSeriesLength | Signature: getSeriesLength(): number
Description: Gets the length of the series array.
Returns: number
getStartAngle | Signature: getStartAngle(): number
Description: Gets the start angle of the gauge.
Returns: number
getTitleSymbol | Signature: getTitleSymbol(): undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
Description: Gets the title text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Returns: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
getTitleText | Signature: getTitleText(): string
Description: Gets the chart title text.
Returns: string
getValueConversion | Signature: getValueConversion(): undefined | ValueConversion
Description: Gets the conversion to apply to the gauge value.
Returns: undefined | ValueConversion
getXAxisTitleSymbol | Signature: getXAxisTitleSymbol(): undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
Description: Gets the x-axis title text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Returns: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol
getXAxisTitleText | Signature: getXAxisTitleText(): string
Description: Gets the x-axis title text.
Returns: string
getXAxisTitleVisibility | Signature: getXAxisTitleVisibility(): boolean
Description: Gets whether the x-axis title is visible or not.
- true: X-axis title is visible.
- false: X-axis title is hidden.
Returns: boolean
getXGuidesLength | Signature: getXGuidesLength(): undefined | number
Description: Gets the number guides in the X-axis guides list.
Returns: undefined | number
Note: The number of X-axis guides.
isSameChartAs | Signature: isSameChartAs(otherModel: undefined | ChartModel): boolean
Description: Checks if the current chart model is for the same chart as another chart model.
Parameters: otherModel: undefined | ChartModel - The other chart model to compare to.
Returns: boolean
removeFeatureIndex | Signature: removeFeatureIndex(): void
Description: Removes the existing feature index from the config object.
Returns: void
setAggregationType | Signature: setAggregationType(newAggregationType: "count" | "sum" | "min" | "max" | "avg"
| "stddev" | "var" | "percentile_cont" | "percentile_disc" | "envelope-aggregate"
| "centroid-aggregate" | "convex-hull-aggregate"): Promise<void>
Description: Sets the aggregation type used for the gauge.
Parameters: newAggregationType: "count" | "sum" | "min" | "max" | "avg" | "stddev"
| "var" | "percentile_cont" | "percentile_disc" | "envelope-aggregate"
| "centroid-aggregate" | "convex-hull-aggregate" - The new aggregation type to set. Must be one of the values allowed by RESTStatisticType, excluding "no_aggregation".
Returns: Promise<void>
Async: This method is async and must be awaited for the changes to take effect.
setAxisLabelsSymbol | Signature: setAxisLabelsSymbol(newAxisLabelsSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol): void
Description: Sets the axis labels text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Parameters: newAxisLabelsSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol - The new axis labels text symbol.
Returns: void
setAxisLinesSymbol | Signature: setAxisLinesSymbol(newAxisLinesSymbol: undefined | ISimpleLineSymbol): void
Description: Sets the axis lines symbol. Contains styling information such as line width, line style, and line color.
Parameters: newAxisLinesSymbol: undefined | ISimpleLineSymbol - The new axis lines symbol.
Returns: void
setAxisTickVisibility | Signature: setAxisTickVisibility(newAxisTickVisibility: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether the axis ticks are visible.
Parameters: newAxisTickVisibility: boolean - The new visibility state.
Returns: void
setBackgroundColor | Signature: setBackgroundColor(newBackgroundColor: undefined | Color): void
Description: Sets the background color of the chart.
Parameters: newBackgroundColor: undefined | Color - The new background color.
Returns: void
setChartId | Signature: setChartId(newId: string): void
Description: Sets the chart id.
Parameters: Returns: void
setChartTitleVisibility | Signature: setChartTitleVisibility(newVisibility: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether the chart title is visible or not.
- true: Show chart title.
- false: Hide chart title.
Parameters:newVisibility: boolean - The new visibility state of the chart title.
Returns: void
Note: Even if the title is visible, it may not be displayed if the title text is empty.
setConfig | Signature: setConfig(newConfig: ChartConfig): void
Description: Sets the chart configuration object.
Parameters: newConfig: ChartConfig - The new configuration object.
Returns: void
setDescriptionSymbol | Signature: setDescriptionSymbol(newDescriptionSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol): void
Description: Sets the description text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Parameters: newDescriptionSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol - The new description symbol.
Returns: void
setDescriptionText | Signature: setDescriptionText(newDescription: string): void
Description: Sets the chart description text.
Parameters: newDescription: string - The new description text.
Returns: void
setDescriptionVisibility | Signature: setDescriptionVisibility(newVisibility: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether the chart description is visible or not.
- true: Show description.
- false: Hide description.
Parameters:newVisibility: boolean - The new visibility state of the description.
Returns: void
Note: Even if the description is visible, it may not be displayed if the description text is empty.
setEndAngle | Signature: setEndAngle(newEndAngle: number): void
Description: Sets the end angle of the gauge.
Parameters: newEndAngle: number - The new end angle to set.
Returns: void
setFeatureIndex | Signature: setFeatureIndex(featureIndex: number): Promise<void>
Description: Sets the index of the feature to be rendered.
Parameters: featureIndex: number - The index of the feature to be rendered.
Returns: Promise<void>
Note: This property will be ignored for a statistic gauge (indicated via WebGaugeChart.subType property). For feature-based gauge, if this property is not present, the first feature will be used (featureIndex = 0).
setFetchNULLValues | Signature: setFetchNULLValues(fetchNULLValues: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether to fetch null values for them to be counted or displayed as categories on the chart.
Parameters: Returns: void
setField | Signature: setField(newField: string): Promise<void>
Description: Sets the data field used for the gauge.
Parameters: newField: string - The new field to set.
Returns: Promise<void>
Async: This method is async and must be awaited for the changes to take effect.
setGuideAbove | Signature: setGuideAbove(above: boolean, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets whether the guide should be rendered above the other chart elements.
Parameters: above: boolean - New above boolean to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setGuideEnd | Signature: setGuideEnd(end: undefined | null | string | number | Date, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets the end value of a guide.
Parameters: end: undefined | null | string | number | Date - New end value to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setGuideLabelsSymbol | Signature: setGuideLabelsSymbol(newGuideLabelsSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol): void
Description: Sets the guide labels text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Parameters: newGuideLabelsSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol - The new guide labels text symbol.
Returns: void
setGuideLabelText | Signature: setGuideLabelText(labelText: string, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets the guide label text.
Parameters: labelText: string - New label text to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setGuideName | Signature: setGuideName(name: string, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets the name of a guide.
Parameters: name: string - New name to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setGuideStart | Signature: setGuideStart(start: null | string | number | Date, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets the start value of a guide.
Parameters: start: null | string | number | Date - New start value to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setGuideStyle | Signature: setGuideStyle(style: ISimpleLineSymbol | ISimpleFillSymbol, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets the guide style.
Parameters: style: ISimpleLineSymbol | ISimpleFillSymbol - New style to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setGuideVisibility | Signature: setGuideVisibility(visible: boolean, index?: number, orientation?: GuideOrientation): void
Description: Sets whether a guide is visible.
Parameters: visible: boolean - New visibility to set.- Optional
index: number - Default 0 . The index of the guide in the list of guides for the given axis orientation. - Optional
orientation: GuideOrientation - Default y . The axis orientation of the guide.
Returns: void
setInnerLabelContent | Signature: setInnerLabelContent(newInnerLabelContent: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol): void
Description: Sets the inner label content symbol.
Parameters: newInnerLabelContent: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol - The new content symbol to set.
Returns: void
setInnerLabelVisibility | Signature: setInnerLabelVisibility(newNeedleLabelVisibility: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether the inner label is visible.
Parameters: newNeedleLabelVisibility: boolean - The new visibility state.
Returns: void
setInnerRadius | Signature: setInnerRadius(newInnerRadius: number): void
Description: Sets the inner radius of the gauge.
Parameters: newInnerRadius: number - The new inner radius to set.
Returns: void
setLabelsIncrement | Signature: setLabelsIncrement(newLabelsIncrement: undefined | number): void
Description: Sets the labels increment for the gauge.
Parameters: newLabelsIncrement: undefined | number - The new increment to set.
Returns: void
setMaxXBound | Signature: setMaxXBound(newMaxXBound: null | number): Promise<void>
Description: Sets the maximum bound for the x-axis.
Parameters: newMaxXBound: null | number - The new maximum bound for the x-axis.
Returns: Promise<void>
Async: This method is async and must be awaited for the changes to take effect.
setMinXBound | Signature: setMinXBound(newMinXBound: null | number): Promise<void>
Description: Sets the minimum bound for the x-axis.
Parameters: newMinXBound: null | number - The new minimum bound for the x-axis.
Returns: Promise<void>
Async: This method is async and must be awaited for the changes to take effect.
setNeedleDisplayPin | Signature: setNeedleDisplayPin(newNeedleDisplayPin: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether to display the pin for the gauge's needle.
Parameters: newNeedleDisplayPin: boolean - The new display pin state.
Returns: void
setNeedleEndWidth | Signature: setNeedleEndWidth(newNeedleEndWidth: undefined | null | number): void
Description: Sets the end width of the gauge's needle.
Parameters: newNeedleEndWidth: undefined | null | number - The new end width to set.
Returns: void
setNeedleInnerRadius | Signature: setNeedleInnerRadius(newNeedleInnerRadius: number): void
Description: Sets the inner radius of the gauge's needle.
Parameters: newNeedleInnerRadius: number - The new inner radius to set.
Returns: void
setNeedleStartWidth | Signature: setNeedleStartWidth(newNeedleStartWidth: undefined | null | number): void
Description: Sets the start width of the gauge's needle.
Parameters: newNeedleStartWidth: undefined | null | number - The new start width to set.
Returns: void
setNeedleSymbol | Signature: setNeedleSymbol(newNeedleSymbol: undefined | ISimpleFillSymbol): void
Description: Sets the symbol of the gauge's needle.
Parameters: newNeedleSymbol: undefined | ISimpleFillSymbol - The new needle symbol to set.
Returns: void
setNeedleVisibility | Signature: setNeedleVisibility(newNeedleVisibility: boolean): void
Description: Sets the visibility of the gauge's needle.
Parameters: newNeedleVisibility: boolean - The new visibility to set.
Returns: void
setOnlyShowFirstAndLastLabels | Signature: setOnlyShowFirstAndLastLabels(newOnlyShowFirstAndLastLabels: boolean): void
Description: Sets whether to only show the first and last labels.
Parameters: newOnlyShowFirstAndLastLabels: boolean - The new state.
Returns: void
setSeriesVisibility | Signature: setSeriesVisibility(props: LegendItemVisibility): void
Description: Sets the visibility of a series.
Parameters: props: LegendItemVisibility
Returns: void
setStartAngle | Signature: setStartAngle(newStartAngle: number): void
Description: Sets the start angle of the gauge.
Parameters: newStartAngle: number - The new start angle to set.
Returns: void
setTitleSymbol | Signature: setTitleSymbol(newTitleSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol): void
Description: Sets the title text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Parameters: newTitleSymbol: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol - The new title symbol.
Returns: void
setTitleText | Signature: setTitleText(newTitle: string): void
Description: Sets the chart title text.
Parameters: newTitle: string - The new title text.
Returns: void
setup | Signature: setup(params: ModelParams<ChartConfig<WebChartGaugeSeries>>): Promise<void>
Description: Completes the async setup process for the chart model. Must be called before using the model.
Parameters: params: ModelParams<ChartConfig<WebChartGaugeSeries>> - The parameters to be used to set up the chart model.
Returns: Promise<void>
Async: This method is async and must be awaited for the changes to take effect.
setValueConversion | Signature: setValueConversion(valueConversion: ValueConversion): void
Description: Sets the conversion to apply to the gauge value.
Parameters: valueConversion: ValueConversion - The conversion to apply.
Returns: void
setXAxisTitleSymbol | Signature: setXAxisTitleSymbol(newXAxisTitle: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol): void
Description: Sets the x-axis title text symbol. Contains styling information such as font, color, and symbol style.
Parameters: newXAxisTitle: undefined | WebChartTextSymbol - The new x-axis title text symbol.
Returns: void
setXAxisTitleText | Signature: setXAxisTitleText(newXAxisTitleText: string): void
Description: Sets the x-axis title text.
Parameters: newXAxisTitleText: string - The new x-axis title text.
Returns: void
setXAxisTitleVisibility | Signature: setXAxisTitleVisibility(newXAxisTitleVisibility: boolean): void
Description: Sets the visibility of the x-axis title.
Parameters: newXAxisTitleVisibility: boolean - Whether the x-axis title is visible or not.
Returns: void