Package-level declarations
A job that estimates the size of a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) that can be exported from a map or image service. Use the EstimateTileCacheSizeJob to get the approximate size of a tile cache for a specific set of ExportTileCacheParameters. Note that time required to create a tile cache varies depending on the extent requested, the number of levels requested, the network connection speed, and so on. When planning a large offline data capture event, generate a smaller tile cache to get an idea of how long caching will take.
The results of an export tile cache size estimate job (EstimateTileCacheSizeJob). The results provide an estimate of the number and size of files in the tile cache.
A job that exports a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx) from a map or image service. To make an ExportTileCacheJob, use the ExportTileCacheTask as follows:
The parameters that specify how a tile cache (.tpkx) is exported from an ArcGIS map or image service using an ExportTileCacheJob. To generate parameters populated with values from the underlying service, call ExportTileCacheTask.createDefaultExportTileCacheParameters. You can then modify these parameters with any desired changes. Alternatively, you can generate an empty set of parameters using ExportTileCacheParameters.ExportTileCacheParameters and set the parameters individually.
A task used to export a tile cache (.tpk or .tpkx). Use this in conjunction with a map or image service to generate and download tile packages. To confirm whether a map or image service supports exporting tiles, check: