Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionType enumeration

  • QML Enumeration List
  • Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionType enumeration
  • UtilityTraceFunctionType can be one of:

    Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeAdd(1) Computes the sum of the network attribute from each applicable element.
    Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeAverage(2) Computes the average value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
    Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeCount(3) Counts the number of applicable elements.
    Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeMax(4) Computes the maximum value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
    Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeMin(5) Computes the minimum value of the network attribute from each applicable element.
    Enums.UtilityTraceFunctionTypeSubtract(6) Takes the network attribute value from the starting point as the base number, and then subtracts the value of the network attribute from each applicable element.

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