Navigate a map view

When you add a map to your application, you can automatically pan, zoom, and rotate the map using the keyboard, mouse, or touch. The following table lists the set of predefined touch, mouse, and keyboard shortcuts that are enabled by default:

Map navigationTouch actionMouse actionKey action
Pan the mapTouch, hold, and drag on the mapPress, hold, and drag the left mouse buttonPress the left (pan west), right (pan east), up (pan north), or down (pan south) arrows
Zoom in (+) or zoom out (-) with animationPinch open (+) or pinch close (-) on the mapScroll the mouse wheel forward (+) or backward (-)Press the + / = key for in
Press the - / _ key for out
Zoom in to the next level of detail or by a factor of 2Double tap on the mapDouble-click the left mouse buttonPress the + / = key
Zoom out to the next level of detail or by a factor of 2Single tap with two fingers simultaneouslyDouble-click of right mouse buttonPress the - / _ key
RotateTwo-finger pinch and twist fingers to rotate the map or sceneOn scenes only, press and hold while dragging (left to right) the right mouse buttonPress the 'a' (rotate west) or 'd' (rotate east) keys
Set viewpoint to northN/AN/APress the 'n' key

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