Elevation service (beta)

The elevation service is a location service that returns TopoBathy elevation values for a single location or multiple locations. It provides seamless coverage for both topography (land elevation) and bathymetry (water depths). The service supports location inputs as longitude and latitude coordinates. All elevation values are returned in meters at the best resolution available. Elevation values can be returned as measures of ellipsoidal (geodetic) height above ground level or orthometric (geoid) height above mean sea level.

To access the service, you use /at-point to find an elevation value for a single location. For multiple locations (up to 100) use /at-many-points.

This documentation is the REST API reference for the service endpoint, requests, parameters, and supported types. The API reference is also available with the OpenAPI Specification.

Get started

You can use this service to:

  • Find the elevation for a location or multiple locations.
  • Find elevations for land or depths for water bodies.
  • Return the elevation relative to Mean Sea Level (MSL) or an ellipsoid.

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elevation image

Service endpoints

The following table lists the elevation service endpoints:


Returns the elevation from a given input coordinate.


Returns elevations for up to 100 input coordinates.

Service access

To access the elevation service, you need the following:

Products and accounts

You can only access the elevation service if you have an ArcGIS Location Platform account. Use with ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise is not supported.

Terms of use

To see a complete description of the allowable usage, please see the Terms of use.

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