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ArcGIS Developer

Edit Log Settings

  • URL:https://<notebookserveradmin>/logs/settings/edit (POST only)
  • Required Capability:Administrator
  • Version Introduced:10.7


This operation updates the log settings for your ArcGIS Notebook Server site.

Request Parameters


Log location

The path to the directory on your machine where logs are written.

Log level

The highest level of detail at which logs will be recorded. For example, selecting WARNING (the default setting) will cause SEVERE and WARNING logs to be recorded.

Values from least frequent to most: SEVERE | WARNING | INFO | FINE | VERBOSE | DEBUG

Maximum log file age in days

The number of days that ArcGIS Notebook Server will save a log message. The default is 90.


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response Format

On a Linux machine

{"status": "success",
  "settings": {
    "logDir": "/data/ags/arcgis/server/usr/logs/",
    "logLevel": "INFO",
    "maxLogFileAge": 90