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What's new

Listed below are new and updated resources and operations added to the ArcGIS Portal Administration API at each release.


Updates to Language and External Content endpoints

At ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2, new endpoints for Language, Add Language, Remove Language, External Content, and Update External Content, have been added. Prior to this release, Languages was a top-level resource that provided access to the Update Languages operation, which was used to enable or disable languages that can display content in portal search results. Prior to 11.2, enabling or disabling external content was handled through the Update Content Configuration operation.

Updated operations and resources

The Update Server operation can now be used to modify the administrative URL for a federated server, which is used when performing administrative operations on an internal network.

Deprecated items


New operations and resources

Info returns the current version and build information for ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

Updated operations and resources

  • Starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1, the Upgrade operation will require the file parameter when upgrading a portal from one release series to another (for example, upgrading from 10.9 to 11.1) or when upgrading in the same release series (for example, upgrading from 11.0 to 11.1).
  • An adminUrl property has been added to the response for the Validate Servers and Validate Server operations. The adminUrl property provides the administrative URL for a federated server.
  • Two new properties, validFromEpoch and validUntilEpoch, have been added to the responses for both the SSL Certificate (Security) and SSL Certificate (Machines) resources. The validFromEpoch property provides the date and time information in Epoch format for the beginning of a certificate's validity. The validUntilEpoch property provides the date and time information in Epoch format for the ending of a certificate's validity.
  • A new parameter, isReIndexRequired, has been added to the Upgrade operation. The isReIndexRequired specifies whether a full reindex is performed during the upgrade.
  • The Backup Restore Information resource has been updated to include a new property, backupModeTimeStamp, that provides date and time information, in Unix format, of the last backup of the organization when using BACKUP mode.
  • The System Properties resource has been updated to include a new property, logBackupWarning. The logBackupWarning property can disable backup warnings that appear in the Portal for ArcGIS logs when the site's values for fullBackupTimeStamp or backupModeTimeStamp are older than two weeks. This property can be updated using the Update System Properties operation.
  • The Export Site operation supports the validate parameter. The validate parameter ensures that the folder path or file location where the exported content will be written is accessible before performing the operation.
  • The Import Site operation supports the validate parameter. The validate parameter ensures that the folder path or file location where the exported content was saved is accessible before performing the operation.


New operations and resources

Backup Restore Information displays the backup and restore information for your organization, such as when the last full or incremental backups were performed, as well as when the last full or incremental restores were performed.

Updated operations and resources

  • Bulgarian has been added as a supported localization language for ArcGIS Enterprise. Bulgarian can be set as a language for your organization using the Update Languages operation, and the Languages resource now includes language information for Bulgarian.
  • The Upgrade operation supports two new parameters, async and enableDebug. The async operation determines whether to submit the upgrade request asynchronously or synchronously. The enableDebug parameter sets the log level for the upgrade process.
  • Both the Machines and Machine resources now return the OS platform property for each machine associated with the site.


New operations and resources

  • Reconfigure Index allows you to re-create the index service metadata, schema, and data in the event they become corrupted.

Updated operations and resources

  • The new security configuration property, allowInternetCORSAccess, controls the value of the "Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network" response header in a CORS preflight request to a portal service URL.
  • A new property, enableWfsService, has been added to the list of system properties.


New operations and resources

Updated operations and resources

  • Four new properties have been added to the list of system properties: enablePrintService, enableLegendsService, enableRssService, and enableKmlService.
  • The securityConfig parameter for the Update Identity Store operation supports two new properties: saslAuthenticationScheme and krb5ConfigFilePath.


New operations and resources

  • Email Settings returns the email settings that have been configured for your organization. These email settings enable email notifications regarding password policy updates and license expirations and allow users with built-in accounts to recover forgotten passwords via email.
  • Update Email Settings allows you to configure the email settings, such as the SMTP server, SMTP port, and encryption method for messages delivered from ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  • Test Email Settings can be used to send a test email to ensure that the settings configured through the Update Email Settings operation have been applied correctly and emails are able to be sent from ArcGIS Enterprise portal and received by users.
  • Delete Email Settings deletes all previously configured email settings. Once these settings have been deleted, all email notifications will cease and users will no longer be able to use email to retrieve forgotten passwords.

Updated operations and resources

Update Server now supports WorkflowManager as an ArcGIS Server function value.


Read-only mode

ArcGIS Enterprise now supports a read-only mode that maintains availability during upgrades. The Update Mode operation, new at 10.8, allows you to switch your deployment in and out of read only mode, as well as create a custom message that appears for users whenever an attempt is made to update, create, or delete content through the API.

Certificate management

The Machines resource has been updated to allow modifications of certificates for associated machines from a single URL. Prior to this change, to manage certificates on each machine, you had to sign in to the Portal Administrator Directory from each individual machine.

Privilege-based access

Access to the Portal Admin API is based on the privileges included in either a user's custom or default role, enabling Enterprise portal administrators to restrict or grant access to the resources and operations that are associated with, and required by, their assigned privileges. For example, administrators can limit the ability of some administrators to interact with Enterprise portal settings pertaining to its look and feel. They may also restrict access to manage federates Enterprise or update security settings. This allows organizations to better delegate administrative tasks as well as create and assign roles that more effectively align with their existing administrative infrastructure without granting full access to the Portal Admin API.

Licensing updates

User type extensions allow you to assign members of your organization access to Utility Network and Parcel Fabric functionalities. The GIS Professional Standard and GIS Professional Advanced user types include both the Utility Network and Parcel Fabric extensions. The Parcel Fabric extension can be included as an add-on for user types with at least the capability to view and edit data, such as Editor, Field Worker, Creator, and GIS Professional Basic user types. The Utility Network extension is compatible with all user types.

You can view your organization's licensing information with the License resource.

New operations and resources

  • Mode returns whether an Enterprise deployment is set to read-only mode.
  • Update Mode enables and disables read-only mode.
  • SSL Certificates (HA) lists all certificates created for the Enterprise machines.
  • SSL Certificate (HA) returns specific details on an SSL certificate.
  • Delete Certificate (HA) deletes an SSL certificate. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Export Certificate (HA) downloads an SSL certificate. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Generate CSR (HA) generates a certificate signing request for a self-signed certificate. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Generate Certificate (HA) creates a self-signed certificate. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Import Existing Server Certificate (HA) imports an existing certificate into the key store. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Import Root or Intermediate Certificate (HA) imports a certificate authority's root and intermediate certificates into the key store. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Import Signed Certificate (HA) imports a certificate authority signed SSL certificate into the key store. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.
  • Update Web Server Certificate (HA) configures properties, such as TLS protocols, used by the portal. This operation is only accessible for highly available Enterprise portals.

Updated operations and resources

  • The Update Security Configuration operation is no longer used to set the default user type and default user role for new members. The defaults for new members are now configured on the New Member Defaults tab in the organization settings of the Enterprise portal or through the Set User Default Settings operation in the Sharing API.


Updated operations and resources

  • Populate License applies the information from your license file after creating or upgrading the Enterprise portal.
  • The License resource now returns detailed information regarding add-on apps and app bundles.


New operations and resources

  • Import License imports a new license file.
  • License is a new resource that returns information for user types that have been licensed to your organization.
  • Populate License applies the information from your license file to either create or upgrade an Enterprise portal.
  • Validate License validates an input license file.

Updated operations and resources

Deprecated items