Setup Map Area

  • URL:ArcGIS Online:

    ArcGIS Enterprise:
  • Version Introduced:10.6.1


The Setup Map Area task creates packages for each service in the web map within the map area extent. The tool generates tile packages (.tpk or .vtpk) for exportTilesAllowed tiled services (in other words, basemap layers) and SQLite Geodatabase format replica packages for sync-enabled feature services (in other words, operational layers). It adds an Area2Package relationship between the map area item and created package items.

An existing package related to a map area will remain unchanged after running the task a second time as long as its corresponding layer remains in the web map and therefore a valid map layer. For example, if a web map is updated with a feature layer removed after a package is created for that layer using the GP tool, the package will be removed the next time it is executed since its corresponding layer no longer exists in the web map and thus becomes invalid.

This task is available for the map area item owner and organization administrators in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.


The API does not support request body using multipart/form-data encoding.

Request parameters


The supported output format is JSON.



An access token that identifies the authenticated user and controls access to restricted resources and operations.


Map area item ID, created by the Create Map Area tool.



A list of individual layers, specified with their service URLs, in the map to ignore. The task generates packages for all map layers by default.




An array of JSON objects that contains additional export tiles-enabled tile services for which tile packages (.tpk or .vtpk) need to be created. Each tile service is specified with its URL and desired level of details.


    "url": "",
    "levels": "17,18,19"


An array of JSON objects that contains additional sync-enabled feature services for which replicas need to be created. It can also be used to override a layer definition query in the map. Each feature service is specified with its url, layers, layerQueries, returnAttachments, attachmentsSyncDirection, syncModel, syncDirection, and createPkgDeltas properties. See create replica for details of each.



Feature services support scheduled updates (version 10.7.1 and later). Scheduled updates allow apps to download server side changes based on a fixed schedule. This is to support download-only workflows in which you only need a copy of the data for reference even if the service supports editing. It is not intended for workflows in which clients make edits and sync. If createPkgDeltas is configured, apps downloading the map area can periodically download changes from the server based on a schedule.

The maxDeltaAge property of createPkgDeltas is used to set the number of days that individual deltas are kept on the server and are available for download (the default is 5 days). If an app goes too long without downloading updates, they may be required to redownload the full map area again.


    "url": "",
    "layers": [0,1],
    "returnAttachments": false,
    "attachmentsSyncDirection": "upload",
    "syncModel": "perLayer",
    "createPkgDeltas": {
      "maxDeltaAge": 5

Response properties

When a job request is submitted, the service assigns a unique job identifier for the transaction. A JSON response with the job ID and job status are returned as below:

  "jobId": "<jobID>",
  "jobStatus": "esriJobSubmitted" | "esriJobWaiting" | "esriJobExecuting" | "esriJobSucceeded" | "esriJobFailed" | "esriJobTimedOut" | "esriJobCancelling" | "esriJobCancelled"

Check job status

After the initial request is submitted, you can use the job ID to check its status and messages periodically by calling as below:<jobID>?token=<token>&returnMessages=true&f=json

JSON response syntax during job execution

    "jobId": "<jobId>",
    "jobStatus": "<jobStatus>",
    "messages": [
            "type": "<type1>",
            "description": "<description1>"
            "type": "<type2>",
            "description": "<description2>"

Retrieve results

When the status of the job is esriJobSucceeded upon its successful completion, you can retrieve the output results by calling as below:<jobID>/results/<outputParameter>?token=<token>&f=json

You can also retrieve the value of any input parameter by calling as below:<jobID>/inputs/<inputParameter>?token=<token>&f=json

Upon successful execution, the service returns a JSON object that contains an array of packages for the given map area using the following output parameter:


A JSON object that contains properties for the output parameter name, data type, and value. The value property is a JSON array that contains the list of packages for the given map area; each has source (for the source service URL), itemId (for the corresponding package item ID), and state (for the package state).

Supported values for state are: new | deleted | unchanged.


 "paramName": "packages",
 "dataType": "GPString",
 "value": [
   "source": "",
   "itemId": "0da8bbef893a44a484be48732c7f018b",
   "state": "new"
   "source": "",
   "itemId": "817cbd6752aa42f89d80e86a4560bc0f",
   "state": "deleted"
   "source": "",
   "itemId": "c8d1ae20448b487c9e28ad1e8eab13b7",
   "state": "unchanged"

Example usage

Request URL to submit the job

JSON Response example

 "jobId": "jf360770cb2c44398abc5ce474bbfae88",
 "jobStatus": "esriJobSubmitted"

Check job status

Request URL to query job status

JSON Response

 "jobId": "jf360770cb2c44398abc5ce474bbfae88",
 "jobStatus": "esriJobExecuting",
 "messages": []

Retrieve results

Request URL to return output map area item

JSON Response

 "paramName": "packages",
 "dataType": "GPString",
 "value": [
   "source":  "",
    "error":  "Sync not enabled on service featureService1"
   "source":  "",
    "itemId":  "0da8bbef893a44a484be48732c7f018b",
    "state":  "new"
   "source":  "",
    "itemId":  "c8d1ae20448b487c9e28ad1e8eab13b7",
    "state":  "unchanged"

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