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ArcGIS Developer

/portals/[portalID]: Portal Content

  • URL:https://[root]/content/portals/[portalID]

Example usage

The following is a sample ArcGIS Online request URL used to access portal content:

The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access the user content resource:


The portal content operation allows an administrator to return a list of all items in the organization. Only available to administrators with a privilege to view all items in the organization.

Request parameters

[Common Parameters]

For a complete listing, see Common parameters.

[Paging Parameters]

For a complete list of paging parameters, see Paging parameters.


Filter by item type. Multiple types can be filtered using commas. Item type is case sensitive. See items and item types for reference.


Field to sort by.

Supported sort field: created


Applies when working with sortField. Describes whether the results return in ascending or descending order. Default is ascending.

Values: asc | desc


The response format. The default format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response properties


The total number of results found for the whole query.


The number of the first entry in the result set for this response. The index number is 1-based.


If the start or num parameters are not provided, the default is 25 results.


The number of results included in the result set for this response.


If the start or num parameters are not provided, the default is 25 results.


The next entry index if the current result set doesn't contain all results, or -1 if it is the last batch.


The list of the items. See Item for response properties for more details.


The item ID.


The item title.


The date the item was created. Shown in UNIX time.

JSON Response syntax

The syntax example below demonstrates the portal content response:

  "total": <total number of items owned by the user>,
  "start": <the first record index in the response>,
  "num": <the number of items in the response>,
  "nextStart": <the next entry index>,
  "items": [
      "id": "<item id>",
      "owner": "<owner username>",
      "created": date created shown in UNIX time,
      "modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
      "guid": <unique id>,
      "name": "<item name>",
      "title": "<item title>",
      "type": "<type>",
      "typeKeywords": [
      "description": <description>,
      "tags": [
      "snippet": <summary>,
      "thumbnail": <file name>,
      "extent": [
      "spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
      "accessInformation": <credits>,
      "licenseInfo": <access and use constraints>,
      "culture": "<culture code>",
      "url": <url>,
      "access": "private | shared | org | public",
      "size": <item size>,
      "numComments": <number of comments>,
      "numRatings": <number of ratings>,
      "avgRating": <average rating>,
      "numViews": <number of views>
      "id": "<item id>",
      "owner": "<owner username>",
      "created": date created shown in UNIX time,
      "modified": date modified shown in UNIX time,
      "guid": <unique id>,
      "name": "<item name>",
      "title": "<item title>",
      "type": "<type>",
      "typeKeywords": [
      "description": <description>,
      "tags": [
      "snippet": <summary>,
      "thumbnail": <file name>,
      "extent": [
      "spatialReference": <coordinate system>,
      "accessInformation": <credits>,
      "licenseInfo": <access and use constraints>,
      "culture": "<culture code>",
      "url": <url>,
      "access": "private | shared | org | public",
      "size": <item size>,
      "numComments": <number of comments>,
      "numRatings": <number of ratings>,
      "avgRating": <average rating>,
      "numViews": <number of views>

JSON Response example

The syntax example below demonstrates the portal content response example:

  "total": 10,
  "start": 1,
  "num": 2,
  "nextStart": 3,
  "items": [
      "id": "1851c185888a43fcb3d6fffb78ae7c94",
      "owner": "jsmith33",
      "created": 1264091913000,
      "modified": 1256666605000,
      "guid": null,
      "name": "Usa_Prime_Imagery",
      "title": "Usa_Prime_Imagery",
      "type": "Layer",
      "typeKeywords": [
        "ArcGIS Explorer",
      "description": "This detailed imagery map presents satellite imagery for the world and   
       high-resolution (1m or better) imagery for the United States."
      "tags": ["USA, Imagery, Southern California"],
      "snippet": "Imagery of Southern California",
      "thumbnail": null,
      "extent": [],
      "spatialReference": null,
      "accessInformation": "Provided by Satellite Technologies",
      "licenseInfo": "This imagery is licensed to Satellite Technologies and non-commercial use is allowed."
      "culture": "en-us",
      "url": null,
      "access": "public",
      "size": 38912,
      "numComments": 3,
      "numRatings": 7,
      "avgRating": 4,
      "numViews": 23
      "id": "28c343b688224d0ca1b5ba741c28de6e",
      "item": "National_Parks_in_California.lpk",
      "itemType": "file",
      "owner": "jsmith33",
      "created": 1263460602000,
	     "modified": 1256666605000,
      "guid": "1D70DAC0-505A-463F-A948-B324FD18BE2A",
      "name": "National_Parks_in_California",
      "title": "National Parks in California",
      "type": "Layer Package",
      "typeKeywords": [
        "Layer Package",
	       "ArcGIS Explorer",
	     "description": "The National Parks are one of our greatest treasures.  Explore the Parks located in California.",
	     "tags": ["Parks, California"],
	     "snippet": "National Parks of California",
	     "thumbnail": "nationalparks.png",
	     "extent": [
	     "spatialReference": "GCS_North_American_1983",
	     "accessInformation": "esri",
	     "licenseInfo": "Public use",
	     "culture": "en-us",
	     "url": null,
	     "access": "shared",
	     "size": 1402923,
      "numComments": 8,
	     "numRatings": 4,
	     "avgRating": 5,
	     "numViews": 17