Calculate a viewshed using a geoprocessing service, in this case showing what parts of a landscape are visible from points on mountainous terrain.
Use case
A viewshed is used to highlight what is visible from a given point. A viewshed could be created to show what a hiker might be able to see from a given point at the top of a mountain. Equally, a viewshed could also be created from a point representing the maximum height of a proposed wind turbine to see from what areas the turbine would be visible.
How to use the sample
Tap the map to see all areas visible from that point within a 15km radius. Tapping on an elevated area will highlight a larger part of the surrounding landscape. It may take a few seconds for the task to run and send back the results.
How it works
- Create a
object with the URL set to a geoprocessing service endpoint. - Create a
object and add a newFeature
object whose geometry is the viewshed's observerPoint
. - Make a
object passing in the observer point. - Use the geoprocessing task to create a
object with the parameters. - Start the job and wait for it to complete and return a
object. - Get the resulting
object. - Iterate through the viewshed features to use their geometry or display the geometry in a new
Relevant API
- FeatureCollectionTable
- GeoprocessingFeatures
- GeoprocessingJob
- GeoprocessingParameters
- GeoprocessingResult
- GeoprocessingTask
geoprocessing, heat map, heatmap, viewshed
Sample Code
// Copyright 2024 Esri
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import ArcGIS
import SwiftUI
struct ShowViewshedFromPointOnMapView: View {
/// The error shown in the error alert.
@State private var error: Error?
/// The point on the map where the user tapped.
@State private var tapLocation: Point?
/// The current geoprocessing status.
@State private var geoprocessingInProgress = false
/// The data model for the sample.
@StateObject private var model = Model()
var body: some View {
MapView(map:, graphicsOverlays: [model.inputGraphicsOverlay, model.resultGraphicsOverlay])
.onSingleTapGesture { _, tapPoint in
tapLocation = tapPoint
// Disables tap while geoprocessing is in progress.
.task(id: tapLocation) {
guard let tapLocation else { return }
model.addInputGraphic(at: tapLocation)
geoprocessingInProgress = true
do {
try await model.calculateViewshed(at: tapLocation)
geoprocessingInProgress = false
} catch {
self.error = error
// This is set because errorAlert hides cancellation errors,
// however when kicking off new job, we cancel any in progress
// jobs which leads to wrong behavior.
if !(error is CancellationError) {
geoprocessingInProgress = false
.overlay(alignment: .center) {
// Sets indication when geoprocessingInProgress is true.
if geoprocessingInProgress {
ProgressView("Geoprocessing \n in progress …")
.shadow(radius: 50)
.errorAlert(presentingError: $error)
private extension ShowViewshedFromPointOnMapView {
class Model: ObservableObject {
/// A map with topographic basemap.
let map: Map = {
let map = Map(basemapStyle: .arcGISTopographic)
// Sets map's initial viewpoint to Vanoise National Park in France.
map.initialViewpoint = Viewpoint(
center: Point(latitude: 45.379, longitude: 6.849),
scale: 144447
return map
/// The processing task that references the online resource through the url.
private let geoprocessingTask = GeoprocessingTask(url: .viewshedURL)
/// Handles the execution of the geoprocessing task and gets the result.
private var geoprocessingJob: GeoprocessingJob?
/// The graphics overlay that displays the viewshed for the tapped location.
let resultGraphicsOverlay: GraphicsOverlay = {
let resultGraphicsOverlay = GraphicsOverlay()
let fillColor =
let fillSymbol = SimpleFillSymbol(
style: .solid,
color: fillColor
let resultRenderer = SimpleRenderer(symbol: fillSymbol)
resultGraphicsOverlay.renderer = resultRenderer
return resultGraphicsOverlay
/// The graphics overlay that shows where the user tapped on the screen.
let inputGraphicsOverlay: GraphicsOverlay = {
let inputGraphicsOverlay = GraphicsOverlay()
// Red dot marker that is added to graphic overlay on map on the location where the user taps.
let pointSymbol = SimpleMarkerSymbol(style: .circle, color: .red, size: 10)
// Sets the renderer to draw the dot symbol on the graphics overlay.
let renderer = SimpleRenderer(symbol: pointSymbol)
inputGraphicsOverlay.renderer = renderer
return inputGraphicsOverlay
/// Removes previously tapped location from overlay and draws new dot on tap location.
/// - Parameter point: Location to add a dot graphic on the map.
func addInputGraphic(at point: Point) {
let graphic = Graphic(geometry: point)
/// Controls the initialization for the geoprocessing of the viewshed and calls the geoprocessing logic.
/// - Parameter point: Location that the user tapped on the map.
func calculateViewshed(at point: Point) async throws {
// Clears previously viewshed drawing.
// If there is a geoprocessing job in progress it is cancelled.
await geoprocessingJob?.cancel()
guard let spatialReference = point.spatialReference else { return }
// Creates a feature collection table based on the spatial reference for the tapped location
// on the map.
let featureCollectionTable = FeatureCollectionTable(
fields: [Field](),
geometryType: Point.self,
spatialReference: spatialReference
// Creates a feature for the point tapped.
let feature = featureCollectionTable.makeFeature(geometry: point)
// Asynchronously adds that feature to the table.
try await featureCollectionTable.add(feature)
try await performGeoprocessing(featureCollectionTable)
/// Contains the logic for the geoprocessing and passes the result on to another function to display.
/// - Parameter featureCollectionTable: Holds the tapped location feature.
private func performGeoprocessing(_ featureCollectionTable: FeatureCollectionTable) async throws {
let params = GeoprocessingParameters(executionType: .synchronousExecute)
// Sets the parameters spatial reference to the point tapped on the map.
params.processSpatialReference = featureCollectionTable.spatialReference
params.outputSpatialReference = featureCollectionTable.spatialReference
// Creates a feature with the feature collection table which has the reference to the tapped location.
let geoprocessingFeature = GeoprocessingFeatures(features: featureCollectionTable)
// Sets the observation point to the tapped location.
params.setInputValue(geoprocessingFeature, forKey: "Input_Observation_Point")
// Creates geoprocessing job and kicks off process of getting viewshed for the point.
let job = geoprocessingTask.makeJob(parameters: params)
geoprocessingJob = job
defer { geoprocessingJob = nil }
// Gets the result of the geoprocessing job asynchronously.
let output = try await job.output
// If the feature set is returned from the geoprocessing, it iterates through each feature and adds it to the
// graphic overlay to display to the user.
if let resultFeatures = output.outputs["Viewshed_Result"] as? GeoprocessingFeatures,
let featureSet = resultFeatures.features {
resultGraphicsOverlay.addGraphics(featureSet.features().map {
Graphic(geometry: $0.geometry)
private extension URL {
static let viewshedURL = URL(
string: ""
#Preview {