ArcGIS Workflow Manager WebSocket Message API 1.0.3

ArcGIS Workflow Manager WebSocket Message API enable your applications to receive notifications of job data updates using WebSockets. This allows your applications to get automatic updates from Workflow Manager Server for your jobs and steps instead of making repeated requests to server for updated information.

The WebSocket protocol enables two-way low-latency communication between a client and Workflow Manager Server. It accomplishes this by establishing persistent socket connections between server and client where the server sends data to connected clients.


  • wss://<root>/{orgId}/{itemId}/notificationWswssdefault

    Allows you to connect to Workflow Manager Server using secure websockets (wss).

    The root URL differs between ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online, where is the base URL format for ArcGIS Enterprise and{orgId} is the base URL format for ArcGIS Online.

    Learn more about constructing the workflow URL



  • SEND /notificationWs

    Send messages to server to subscribe and unsubscribe to job notifications. Reply to server with information for steps that require user interactions.

    Operation IDpublish

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts one of the following messages:

    • #0Subscribe to Job NotificationssubscribeJobNotification
      Message IDsubscribeJobNotification

      Subscribe to the server to be able to receive messages for jobs.



    • #1Unsubscribe to Job NotificationsunsubscribeJobNotification
      Message IDunsubscribeJobNotification

      Unsubscribe to the server to stop receiving messages for jobs. Specify either 'all' or 'jobIds' in the request.



    • #2Define Location Step Info ResponsedefineLocationStepInfoResponse
      Message IDdefineLocationStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for the Define Location step with information to indicate whether the job location was created / updated successfully or if there was an error opening the job map.

      This is the response for the defineLocationStepInfoRequired message. It indicates whether the job location was created / updated successfully or if there was an error opening the job location map. The request includes the job Id, step Id, whether the step ran successfully, and the location defined in the step.



    • #3Add Attachment Step Info ResponseaddAttachmentStepInfoResponse
      Message IDaddAttachmentStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for the Add Attachment step with information to indicate that the step is done running. The request includes the job Id and step Id.

      This is the response for the addAttachmentStepInfoRequired message.



    • #4Manual Step Info ResponsemanualStepInfoResponse
      Message IDmanualStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server with information indicating whether the Manual step was completed successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the manualResponse, and a comment if the step is configured to allow a comment.

      This is the response for the manualStepInfoRequired message.



    • #5Open Web Page Step Info ResponseopenWebPageStepInfoResponse
      Message IDopenWebPageStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for the Open Web Page step with information to indicate that the web app or the web page was opened successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, and the openWebPageResponse.

      This is the response for the openWebPageStepInfoRequired message.



    • #6Pro GP Step Info ResponseproGPStepInfoResponse
      Message IDproGPStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for the Run Pro GP Tool step with user input values when running the GP tool in ArcGIS Pro. The request includes the job Id, step Id, and updated property responses from the user for the configured input parameters.

      This is the response for the proGPStepInfoRequired message.



    • #7Pro Project Items Step Info ResponseproProjectItemsStepInfoResponse
      Message IDproProjectItemsStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for the Open Pro Project Items step with information to indicate that the Pro project items were opened successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the proMappingResponse, and comment if the step is configured to include a comment.

      This is the response for the proProjectItemsStepInfoResponse message.



    • #8Question Step Info ResponsequestionStepInfoResponse
      Message IDquestionStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server providing more information to process the Question step. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the value of response to the question, and comment if the step is configured to include a comment.

      This is the response for the questionStepInfoRequired message.



    • #9Survey123 Step Info Responsesurvey123StepInfoResponse
      Message IDsurvey123StepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for a Survey123 step with information to indicate that the step was completed successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, and the survey123Response.

      This is the response for the survey123StepInfoRequired message.



    • #10Update Job Properties Step Info ResponseupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse
      Message IDupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for Update Job Properties step or Run GP Service step with visible parameters.

      For Update Job Properties step, provide values for basic properties or extended properties in the job that need to be updated.

      For Run GP Service step, provide values for visible parameters configured in the step. The values provided will override the default values configured in the step. The request includes the job Id, step Id, property responses for the properties to be updated, and comment if the step is configured to allow a comment.

      This is the response for the updateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired message.



    • #11Update 1-M Job Properties Step Info ResponseupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse
      Message IDupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse

      Reply to server for Update 1-M Job Properties step. Provide values for related properties in the job that need to be updated.

      The request includes the job Id, step Id, property responses for the properties to be updated, and comment if the step is configured to allow a comment.

      This is the response for the updateJobProperties1MStepInfoRequired message.



  • RECEIVE /notificationWs

    Receive all the messages below by publishing a subscribeJobNotification message for jobs to server.

    Operation IDsubscribe

    Available only on servers:

    Accepts one of the following messages:

    • #0Job StatejobState
      Message IDjobState

      The job state message is returned after subscribing to the job notification. It includes basic job state information including job status, the percentage complete of the job, job template and diagram being used in the job, assignment and current step state. Step state information is returned when there are one or more current steps running.



    • #1Job UpdatedjobUpdated
      Message IDjobUpdated

      The job updated notification message is returned when job's basic or extended property is updated.

      The response includes the jobId and property information added, updated and deleted in the job.



    • #2Job Comment UpdatedjobCommentUpdated
      Message IDjobCommentUpdated

      This message is returned when a comment is added to a job.

      The response includes the comment, comment ID, job ID, and the user who added the comment.



    • #3Job Attachment UpdatedjobAttachmentUpdated
      Message IDjobAttachmentUpdated

      This message is returned when an attachment is added, updated or deleted in an existing job.

      The message includes the attachment update type, attachment alias, folder, attachment ID, and last modified user and timestamp.



    • #4Job Location UpdatedjobLocationUpdated
      Message IDjobLocationUpdated

      This message is returned when a location is added, updated, or deleted from an existing job.



    • #5Step StartedstepStarted
      Message IDstepStarted

      The message returned when one or more steps have started on a job.



    • #6Step ProgressstepProgress
      Message IDstepProgress

      The message returned when one or more steps have been started and running in progress on a job. This message is returned after the stepStarted message. For question step, this message is returned after StepInfoResponse is provided and the question step has proceeded.



    • #7Step CancelledstepCancelled
      Message IDstepCancelled

      The message returned when the processing for one or more automated steps have been cancelled on a job. The cancelled step can be run again, or finished if the step is configured such that it can be skipped.



    • #8Step PausedstepPaused
      Message IDstepPaused

      The message returned when one or more steps have been paused on a job. The paused step can be run again or finished.



    • #9Step StoppingstepStopping
      Message IDstepStopping

      The message returned when the processing for automated steps is stopping or a step is being paused on a job. The message returns one or more steps that are stopping.



    • #10Step StoppedstepStopped
      Message IDstepStopped

      The message returned when one or more automated steps are stopped on a job. If the step is set to proceed to next, it will move to the next step in the diagram. If the step is not set to proceed to next, the step can be manually finished.



    • #11Step Stopped With WarningstepWarningStopped
      Message IDstepWarningStopped

      The message returned when a step has stopped with a warning message. The message returns the step stopped with warning message and if can proceed.



    • #12Step FinishedstepFinished
      Message IDstepFinished

      The message returned when one or more steps have finished on a job. The message returns one or more current steps the job has moved to and the job status.



    • #13Step ReassignedstepReassigned
      Message IDstepReassigned

      The message returned when a step has been reassigned. The message returns the step that is reassigned and the new assignment.



    • #14Step ErrorstepError
      Message IDstepError

      The error returned if an invalid response is provided to a step in a job.



    • #15Errorerror
      Message IDerror

      The error returned when a response is sent to a step that is not running in a job.



    • #16Add Attachment Step Info RequiredaddAttachmentStepInfoRequired
      Message IDaddAttachmentStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for a response for the Add Attachment step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, user prompt, attachment folder, accepted attachment type including embedded and linked, accepted embedded file types, whether the user can view existing attachments, whether the user can edit existing attachments, and information about existing attachments on the job.

      The step is in the running state until an addAttachmentStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #17Define Location Step Info RequireddefineLocationStepInfoRequired
      Message IDdefineLocationStepInfoRequired

      Requests from server for information on creating / updating a job location for the Define Location step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, job location map and geometry type used in the define location step.

      The step is in the running state until a defineLocationStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #18Open Web Page Step Info RequiredopenWebPageStepInfoRequired
      Message IDopenWebPageStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for information about the web application or web page to be opened by the Open Web Page step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id and the application url of the web app or page to be opened.

      The step is in the running state until an openWebPageStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #19Pro GP Step Info RequiredproGPStepInfoRequired
      Message IDproGPStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for more information for the Run Pro GP Tool step. This request is sent if the step is configured to allow users to define parameter values before the GP tool is run. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, and Pro GP tool's information and parameters.

      The step is in the running state until a proGPStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #20Pro Project Items Step Info RequiredproProjectItemsStepInfoRequired

      Requests information for an **Open Pro Project Items** step.

      Message IDproProjectItemsStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for more information for the Open Pro Project Items step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, and Pro project items to open.

      The step is in the running state until a proProjectItemsStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #21Question Step Info RequiredquestionStepInfoRequired
      Message IDquestionStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for more information required by the Question step to be able to process the step. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the question to be answered, and the possible responses.

      The step is in the running state until a questionStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #22Survey123 Step Info Requiredsurvey123StepInfoRequired
      Message IDsurvey123StepInfoRequired

      Request from server for survey information for the Survey123 step. Allow the user to interact and complete the survey configured in the step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, the name and form id of the survey to be opened, location of the survey, and whether the survey is editable.

      The step is in the running state until a survey123StepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #23Update Job Properties Step Info RequiredupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired
      Message IDupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for information about updating basic and/or extended properties for a job in the Update Job Properties step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, user prompt and properties.

      The step is in the running state until an updateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.



    • #24Update 1-M Job Properties Step Info RequiredupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoRequired
      Message IDupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoRequired

      Request from server for information about updating related properties for a job in the Update 1-M Job Properties step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, user prompt and properties.

      The step is in the running state until an updateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.




  • #1Subscribe to Job NotificationssubscribeJobNotification
    Message IDsubscribeJobNotification

    Subscribe to the server to be able to receive messages for jobs.

  • #2Unsubscribe to Job NotificationsunsubscribeJobNotification
    Message IDunsubscribeJobNotification

    Unsubscribe to the server to stop receiving messages for jobs. Specify either 'all' or 'jobIds' in the request.

  • #3Job StatejobState
    Message IDjobState

    The job state message is returned after subscribing to the job notification. It includes basic job state information including job status, the percentage complete of the job, job template and diagram being used in the job, assignment and current step state. Step state information is returned when there are one or more current steps running.

  • #4Job UpdatedjobUpdated
    Message IDjobUpdated

    The job updated notification message is returned when job's basic or extended property is updated.

    The response includes the jobId and property information added, updated and deleted in the job.

  • #5Job Comment UpdatedjobCommentUpdated
    Message IDjobCommentUpdated

    This message is returned when a comment is added to a job.

    The response includes the comment, comment ID, job ID, and the user who added the comment.

  • #6Job Attachment UpdatedjobAttachmentUpdated
    Message IDjobAttachmentUpdated

    This message is returned when an attachment is added, updated or deleted in an existing job.

    The message includes the attachment update type, attachment alias, folder, attachment ID, and last modified user and timestamp.

  • #7Job Location UpdatedjobLocationUpdated
    Message IDjobLocationUpdated

    This message is returned when a location is added, updated, or deleted from an existing job.

  • #8Step StartedstepStarted
    Message IDstepStarted

    The message returned when one or more steps have started on a job.

  • #9Step ProgressstepProgress
    Message IDstepProgress

    The message returned when one or more steps have been started and running in progress on a job. This message is returned after the stepStarted message. For question step, this message is returned after StepInfoResponse is provided and the question step has proceeded.

  • #10Step CancelledstepCancelled
    Message IDstepCancelled

    The message returned when the processing for one or more automated steps have been cancelled on a job. The cancelled step can be run again, or finished if the step is configured such that it can be skipped.

  • #11Step PausedstepPaused
    Message IDstepPaused

    The message returned when one or more steps have been paused on a job. The paused step can be run again or finished.

  • #12Step StoppingstepStopping
    Message IDstepStopping

    The message returned when the processing for automated steps is stopping or a step is being paused on a job. The message returns one or more steps that are stopping.

  • #13Step StoppedstepStopped
    Message IDstepStopped

    The message returned when one or more automated steps are stopped on a job. If the step is set to proceed to next, it will move to the next step in the diagram. If the step is not set to proceed to next, the step can be manually finished.

  • #14Step Stopped With WarningstepWarningStopped
    Message IDstepWarningStopped

    The message returned when a step has stopped with a warning message. The message returns the step stopped with warning message and if can proceed.

  • #15Step FinishedstepFinished
    Message IDstepFinished

    The message returned when one or more steps have finished on a job. The message returns one or more current steps the job has moved to and the job status.

  • #16Step ReassignedstepReassigned
    Message IDstepReassigned

    The message returned when a step has been reassigned. The message returns the step that is reassigned and the new assignment.

  • #17Step HeldstepHeld
    Message IDstepHeld

    The message returned when one or more steps are on hold on a job. If step is on a scheduled hold, the message also returns the scheduled release timestamp.

  • #18Step Hold ReleasedstepHoldReleased
    Message IDstepHoldReleased

    The message returned when a step hold or dependency has been released on a job. If there are multiple holds or dependencies on a step, this message will only be sent when all holds and dependencies have been released.

  • #19Step ErrorstepError
    Message IDstepError

    The error returned if an invalid response is provided to a step in a job.

  • #20Errorerror
    Message IDerror

    The error returned when a response is sent to a step that is not running in a job.

  • #21Add Attachment Step Info RequiredaddAttachmentStepInfoRequired
    Message IDaddAttachmentStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for a response for the Add Attachment step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, user prompt, attachment folder, accepted attachment type including embedded and linked, accepted embedded file types, whether the user can view existing attachments, whether the user can edit existing attachments, and information about existing attachments on the job.

    The step is in the running state until an addAttachmentStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #22Add Attachment Step Info ResponseaddAttachmentStepInfoResponse
    Message IDaddAttachmentStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for the Add Attachment step with information to indicate that the step is done running. The request includes the job Id and step Id.

    This is the response for the addAttachmentStepInfoRequired message.

  • #23Define Location Step Info RequireddefineLocationStepInfoRequired
    Message IDdefineLocationStepInfoRequired

    Requests from server for information on creating / updating a job location for the Define Location step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, job location map and geometry type used in the define location step.

    The step is in the running state until a defineLocationStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #24Define Location Step Info ResponsedefineLocationStepInfoResponse
    Message IDdefineLocationStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for the Define Location step with information to indicate whether the job location was created / updated successfully or if there was an error opening the job map.

    This is the response for the defineLocationStepInfoRequired message. It indicates whether the job location was created / updated successfully or if there was an error opening the job location map. The request includes the job Id, step Id, whether the step ran successfully, and the location defined in the step.

  • #25Manual Step Info RequiredmanualStepInfoRequired
    Message IDmanualStepInfoRequired

    Requests from server for more information required to process the Manual step. The request includes the job Id, step Id and user prompt.

    The step is in the running state until a manualStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #26Manual Step Info ResponsemanualStepInfoResponse
    Message IDmanualStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server with information indicating whether the Manual step was completed successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the manualResponse, and a comment if the step is configured to allow a comment.

    This is the response for the manualStepInfoRequired message.

  • #27Open Web Page Step Info RequiredopenWebPageStepInfoRequired
    Message IDopenWebPageStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for information about the web application or web page to be opened by the Open Web Page step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id and the application url of the web app or page to be opened.

    The step is in the running state until an openWebPageStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #28Open Web Page Step Info ResponseopenWebPageStepInfoResponse
    Message IDopenWebPageStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for the Open Web Page step with information to indicate that the web app or the web page was opened successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, and the openWebPageResponse.

    This is the response for the openWebPageStepInfoRequired message.

  • #29Pro GP Step Info RequiredproGPStepInfoRequired
    Message IDproGPStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for more information for the Run Pro GP Tool step. This request is sent if the step is configured to allow users to define parameter values before the GP tool is run. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, and Pro GP tool's information and parameters.

    The step is in the running state until a proGPStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #30Pro GP Step Info ResponseproGPStepInfoResponse
    Message IDproGPStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for the Run Pro GP Tool step with user input values when running the GP tool in ArcGIS Pro. The request includes the job Id, step Id, and updated property responses from the user for the configured input parameters.

    This is the response for the proGPStepInfoRequired message.

  • #31Pro Project Items Step Info RequiredproProjectItemsStepInfoRequired

    Requests information for an **Open Pro Project Items** step.

    Message IDproProjectItemsStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for more information for the Open Pro Project Items step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, and Pro project items to open.

    The step is in the running state until a proProjectItemsStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #32Pro Project Items Step Info ResponseproProjectItemsStepInfoResponse
    Message IDproProjectItemsStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for the Open Pro Project Items step with information to indicate that the Pro project items were opened successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the proMappingResponse, and comment if the step is configured to include a comment.

    This is the response for the proProjectItemsStepInfoResponse message.

  • #33Question Step Info RequiredquestionStepInfoRequired
    Message IDquestionStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for more information required by the Question step to be able to process the step. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the question to be answered, and the possible responses.

    The step is in the running state until a questionStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #34Question Step Info ResponsequestionStepInfoResponse
    Message IDquestionStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server providing more information to process the Question step. The request includes the job Id, step Id, the value of response to the question, and comment if the step is configured to include a comment.

    This is the response for the questionStepInfoRequired message.

  • #35Survey123 Step Info Requiredsurvey123StepInfoRequired
    Message IDsurvey123StepInfoRequired

    Request from server for survey information for the Survey123 step. Allow the user to interact and complete the survey configured in the step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, the name and form id of the survey to be opened, location of the survey, and whether the survey is editable.

    The step is in the running state until a survey123StepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #36Survey123 Step Info Responsesurvey123StepInfoResponse
    Message IDsurvey123StepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for a Survey123 step with information to indicate that the step was completed successfully. The request includes the job Id, step Id, and the survey123Response.

    This is the response for the survey123StepInfoRequired message.

  • #37Update Job Properties Step Info RequiredupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired
    Message IDupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for information about updating basic and/or extended properties for a job in the Update Job Properties step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, user prompt and properties.

    The step is in the running state until an updateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #38Update Job Properties Step Info ResponseupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse
    Message IDupdateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for Update Job Properties step or Run GP Service step with visible parameters.

    For Update Job Properties step, provide values for basic properties or extended properties in the job that need to be updated.

    For Run GP Service step, provide values for visible parameters configured in the step. The values provided will override the default values configured in the step. The request includes the job Id, step Id, property responses for the properties to be updated, and comment if the step is configured to allow a comment.

    This is the response for the updateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired message.

  • #39Update 1-M Job Properties Step Info RequiredupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoRequired
    Message IDupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoRequired

    Request from server for information about updating related properties for a job in the Update 1-M Job Properties step. The request consists of the job Id, step Id, user prompt and properties.

    The step is in the running state until an updateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse message is sent to server, then execution of the job will continue.

  • #40Update 1-M Job Properties Step Info ResponseupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse
    Message IDupdateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse

    Reply to server for Update 1-M Job Properties step. Provide values for related properties in the job that need to be updated.

    The request includes the job Id, step Id, property responses for the properties to be updated, and comment if the step is configured to allow a comment.

    This is the response for the updateJobProperties1MStepInfoRequired message.



  • object

    Information about all the versions associated with the job.

  • object

    Detailed information for the addAttachmentStepInfoRequired message.

  • object

    Detailed response for the addAttachmentStepInfoResponse message.

  • array<object>

    Information for the added job attachment.

  • array<object>

    Information for the job comment.

  • array<object>

    Information for newly added job related properties.

  • allowedActions

    A bit flag enum that indicates the actions that can be taken. CanCancel = 1, CanPause = 2, CanFinish = 4. CanRefresh = 8. For example, a value of 6 would indicate CanPause and CanFinish.

  • canComment

    Indicates if a comment can be added to a step.

  • comment

    The comment added to the step.

  • commentRequired

    Indicates if a comment is required for the step.

  • object

    The message returned from the current step.

  • object

    Detailed information for the defineLocationStepInfoRequired message.

  • object

    Detailed response for the defineLocationStepInfoResponse message.

  • array<string>

    The array of job attachment Ids.

  • array<object>

    Information for deleted related job properties.

  • object
  • object
  • object

    The exception error message returned by server.

  • array<object>

    The message returned when extended job properties are updated.

  • helpText

    The step help.

  • array<string>

    The array of job attachment Ids.

  • jobId

    The Id of the job.

  • array<object>

    The message returned when basic job properties are updated.

  • object

    The message returned for job state.

  • object

    The message returned for the state of the current step in the job.

  • jobTemplateId

    The Id of the job template.

  • object

    The message returned for the job properties updated in the job.

  • object

    The updated properties returned from the JobUpdated notification message.

  • object

    The location map used when running a define location step.

  • object
  • object
  • msgType

    List of possible message types when sending or receiving messages.

      Allowed values:
    • "subscribe"
    • "unsubscribe"
    • "JobState"
    • "JobAttachmentUpdated"
    • "JobCommentUpdated"
    • "JobLocationUpdated"
    • "StepStarted"
    • "StepProgress"
    • "StepCancelled"
    • "StepPaused"
    • "StepStopping"
    • "StepStopped"
    • "StepWarningStopped"
    • "StepFinished"
    • "StepReassigned"
    • "StepHeld"
    • "StepHoldReleased"
    • "Error"
    • "StepError"
    • "StepInfoRequired"
    • "StepInfoResponse"
  • object
  • object
  • object
  • object

    GP parameters that need to be updated.

  • object

    Properties in the extended properties table that need to be updated.

  • object

    Values for properties to be provided by the user.

  • object
  • object
  • object
  • object
  • object

    An array of question responses used in the Question step.

  • array<object>

    The job related property entries used in JobUpdated message.

  • object

    The message returned when related job properties are updated.

  • senderId

    The Id of the subscriber.

  • object

    The message of one or more finished steps.

  • stepId

    The Id of the step.

  • array<string>

    The array of step Ids.

  • object

    The status of step execution.

  • stepInfoRequiredMsgType

    Type of message received.

      Allowed values:
    • "StepInfoRequired"
  • stepInfoResponseMsgType

    Type of message sent.

      Allowed values:
    • "StepInfoResponse"
  • object

    The message for steps in progress.

  • object

    The message for a stopped step.

  • object

    The warning message for a step that has stopped but cannot proceed.

  • object

    The message for a step that has been reassignment.

  • object
  • object
  • object

    Values for survey response properties updated by a user.

  • tableName

    The table name of the extended properties or related properties referenced in JobUpdated message.

  • timestamp
    format: int64

    The timestamp of step execution.

  • token

    Access token generated by Portal to authenticate the user.

  • object

    Information for the updated job attachment. The update types include add, update and delete and only one type is specified at a time.

  • object

    Information for the job comment.

  • object

    Information for the added, updated, or deleted job location.

  • object

    Detailed information for the updateJobPropertiesStepInfoRequired message.

  • object

    Detailed information for the updateJobPropertiesStepInfoResponse and proGPStepInfoResponse messages.

  • array<object>

    Information for the updated job attachment.

  • array<object>

    Information for updated job related properties in JobUpdated message.

  • object
  • object

    Detailed response for the updateJobProperties1MStepInfoResponse message.

  • userPrompt

    The step user prompt.