Calcite Design System

Current version: 2.8.2 (May 2024)

Calcite Design System is a collection of design and development resources for creating beautiful, easy to use, cohesive experiences across apps with minimal effort. It includes a UI kit, icons, color schemes, and a web component library with UI elements such as buttons, panels, accordions, alerts, and many more.

Where to start

Build consistent, considered experiences with Calcite Design System.

Get started

Follow these steps to quickly get started using Calcite Components.

Core concepts

Learn foundational concepts and patterns for leveraging web components.


Learn Calcite development patterns and build workflows and applications.

Design System

Explore Calcite Design System foundations, a comprehensive component library, and guiding resources.


Build accessible applications, and customize products with theming and iconography.


A set of interactive web components for creating consistent, usable experiences.


Access UI kits, framework integrations, localization guidance, and community and support.

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