Utility network

A utility network is the main component users work with when managing utility and telecom networks in ArcGIS, providing a comprehensive framework for the modeling of utility systems such as electric, gas, water, storm water, wastewater, and telecommunications. It is designed to model all of the components that make up your system—such as wires, pipes, valves, zones, devices, and circuits—and allows you to build real-world behavior into the network features you model.

You must use ArcGIS Pro to create a utility network. Build your utility network within an enterprise geodatabase then publish it using ArcGIS Enterprise. Once it's available as a feature service, a utility network can be used in your ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt app.

See the following topics in the ArcGIS Pro documentation for more information about utility networks:

Utility network

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for Qt, you can add the following utility network capabilities to your app:

Consult the Licensing levels and capabilities topic to help determine how your app must be licensed when working with a utility network.


Configure subnetwork trace

Trace utility network

Perform valve isolation trace

Display utility assocations

Display subtype feature layer

Create load report

Display content of utility network container

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