Display a web map


You will learn: how to build an app to load and display a web map from ArcGIS Online.

Applications can load and display 2D that have been previously created with the or . Web maps contain all of the settings required to set up the map such as the extent, , and styles, pop-ups, and labels. Web maps are stored as in or . Web maps are loaded by accessing a and requesting an item by ID. All of the settings are applied to the map and layers when the item is loaded, saving you time from having to set them up yourself. Learn more about working with web maps in the Create a web map tutorial or by using ArcGIS Pro.

In this tutorial, you will build an app that loads and displays a pre-configured web map from ArcGIS Online.

Before you begin

You must have previously installed ArcGIS AppStudio.

Open the starter app project

If you completed the Create a starter app tutorial, start ArcGIS AppStudio and then open your starter app project. Otherwise, complete the tutorial now and open the project.


Preview the web map

  1. Go to the LA Trails and Parks map to view the map in the Map Viewer. Make note of the ID at the end of the URL.

Display a web map

  1. Run ArcGIS AppStudio. Click your Starter app project in the App Gallery, and then click Edit. This will open your project in Qt Creator.

  2. In the Qt Creator Projects window, double-click MyApp.qml to open it in the editor. In the App declaration, add the following properties to specify the portal URL and layer item ID.

        property real scaleFactor: AppFramework.displayScaleFactor
        // *** ADD ***
        property string portalUrl: "https://arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/";
        property string itemID: "41281c51f9de45edaf1c8ed44bb10e30"
  3. In the code editor, scroll down to the Map declaration. Update the declaration to load a web map using its the portal URL and the item ID. Remove the remainder of the code.

    are pre-configured with a default extent. The code below overrides those default settings with the same viewpoint used in the rest of the tutorials.

         Map {
             // *** UPDATE ***
             initUrl: portalUrl + itemID
             //BasemapTopographicVector {}
             //initialViewpoint: ViewpointCenter {
             //  id:initialViewpoint
             //  center: Point {
             //    x: -118.80543                                        // Longitude
             //    y: 34.02700                                          // Latitude
             //    spatialReference: SpatialReference { wkid: 4326 }    // WGS84
             //  }
             //  targetScale: 100000
  4. In the lower left Sidebar, click Run or press Control-R/Command-R to run the app.

    Run the app from within ArcGIS AppStudio by clicking the app in the App Gallery and then clicking the Run icon from the tool pallette.

    In Qt Creator, there are several ways to run the project:

    • Press Control-R/Command-R on the keyboard.
    • In the app menu, click Build > Run.
    • Click the Run button from the tool palette.

Congratulations, you're done!

Your map should contain trails and parks in the Santa Monica mountains. Compare your map with our completed solution project.

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You can no longer sign into this site. Go to your ArcGIS portal or the ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard to perform management tasks.

Your ArcGIS portal

Create, manage, and access API keys and OAuth 2.0 developer credentials, hosted layers, and data services.

Your ArcGIS Location Platform dashboard

Manage billing, monitor service usage, and access additional resources.

Learn more about these changes in the What's new in Esri Developers June 2024 blog post.
