post static method

Future<ResponseInfo> post(
  1. Uri uri, {
  2. Map<String, String>? data,
  3. List<FilePart>? fileParts,
  4. RequestInfo? requestInfo,

Makes a POST request to the given uri. The data is passed in the body of the request, using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

if fileParts is provided and not empty, the request will be sent as a multipart request.


static Future<ResponseInfo> post(
  Uri uri, {
  Map<String, String>? data,
  List<FilePart>? fileParts,
  RequestInfo? requestInfo,
}) {
  if (fileParts != null) {
    if (fileParts.isEmpty) {
      throw ArgumentError.value(
        'fileParts must not be empty',
    return _postMultiParts(uri, data, fileParts, requestInfo: requestInfo);
  return _fetch(,
    parameters: data,
    requestInfo: requestInfo,