addForUri method

void addForUri(
  1. {required ArcGISCredential credential,
  2. required Uri uri}

Adds a specified credential to the store for a given URL. The URL must be shareable with the server context of the credential. Otherwise, this method throws an ArcGISExceptionType.authenticationCredentialCannotBeShared. When the credential is added to the store with this function, for the credential to be shared with a secured service endpoint, the service endpoint must begin with the specified URL passed to this function call. For example, if you were to specify a store URL of when calling this function, then the specified credential would be shared with an endpoint such as, but not for

If a credential was already stored for the same URL then it will be replaced.


  • credential — The credential to be stored within ArcGISCredentialStore.
  • uri — The URL to associate the credential with.


void addForUri({required ArcGISCredential credential, required Uri uri}) {
  final coreURI = _CString(uri.toString());
  _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
        _handle, credential._handle, coreURI.bytes, errorHandler);