ArcGISExceptionType enum

The list of possible generic errors.

This is used in the ArcGISRuntimeEnvironmentErrorEvent error handler function.





unknown → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unknown error.

The catch-all for unknown errors.

success → const ArcGISExceptionType


Indicates success, not an error.

commonNullPtr → const ArcGISExceptionType

A null pointer.

commonInvalidArgument → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid argument.

commonNotImplemented → const ArcGISExceptionType

Not implemented.

commonOutOfRange → const ArcGISExceptionType

Out of range.

commonInvalidAccess → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid access.

commonIllegalState → const ArcGISExceptionType

Illegal state.

commonNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

Not found.

commonExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Entity exists.

commonTimeout → const ArcGISExceptionType


commonRegularExpression → const ArcGISExceptionType

Regular expression error.

commonPropertyNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Property not supported.

commonNoPermission → const ArcGISExceptionType

No permission.

commonFile → const ArcGISExceptionType

File error.

commonFileNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

File not found.

commonInvalidCall → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid call.

commonIo → const ArcGISExceptionType

IO error.

commonUserCanceled → const ArcGISExceptionType

User canceled.

commonInternalError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Internal error.

commonConversionFailed → const ArcGISExceptionType

Conversion failed.

commonNoData → const ArcGISExceptionType

No data.

commonInvalidJson → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid JSON.

commonUserDefinedFailure → const ArcGISExceptionType

Propagated error.

commonBadXml → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid XML.

commonObjectAlreadyOwned → const ArcGISExceptionType

Object is already owned.

commonExpired → const ArcGISExceptionType

The resource is past its expiry date.

commonNullabilityViolation → const ArcGISExceptionType

Nullability violation.

A null was returned from a property or method which is expected to be non-nullable.

commonInvalidProperty → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid property.

The value of a property is invalid.

sqliteError → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite error.

sqliteInternal → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite internal error.

sqlitePerm → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite permission.

sqliteAbort → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite operation aborted.

sqliteBusy → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite database busy.

sqliteLocked → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite database locked.

sqliteNoMem → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite out of memory.

sqliteReadonly → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite read only.

sqliteInterrupt → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite operation interrupted.

sqliteIoErr → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite IO error.

sqliteCorrupt → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite corrupt database.

sqliteNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite not found.

sqliteFull → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite disk full.

sqliteCantOpen → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite cannot open.

sqliteProtocol → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite file locking protocol.

sqliteEmpty → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite empty error.

This code is not currently used.

sqliteSchema → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite schema changed.

sqliteTooBig → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite string or data blob too large.

sqliteConstraint → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite constraint violation.

sqliteMismatch → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite data type mismatch.

sqliteMisuse → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite interface misuse.

sqliteNolfs → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite no large file support.

sqliteAuth → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite statement not authorized.

sqliteFormat → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite format error.

This code is not currently used.

sqliteRange → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite out of range.

sqliteNotADatabase → const ArcGISExceptionType

Not an SQLite database.

sqliteNotice → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite unusual operation notice.

sqliteWarning → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite unusual operation warning.

sqliteRow → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite row is available.

sqliteDone → const ArcGISExceptionType

SQLite operation is complete.

geometryUnknownError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unknown geometry error.

geometryCorruptedGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Corrupt geometry.

geometryEmptyGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Empty geometry.

geometryMathSingularity → const ArcGISExceptionType

Math singularity.

geometryBufferIsTooSmall → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geometry buffer too small.

geometryInvalidShapeType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geometry invalid shape type.

geometryProjectionOutOfSupportedRange → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geometry projection out of supported range.

geometryNonSimpleGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Non simple geometry.

geometryCannotCalculateGeodesic → const ArcGISExceptionType

Cannot calculate geodesic.

geometryNotationConversion → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geometry notation conversion.

geometryMissingGridFile → const ArcGISExceptionType

Missing grid file.

geodatabaseValueOutOfRange → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase value out of range.

geodatabaseDataTypeMismatch → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase data type mismatch.

geodatabaseBadXml → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase invalid XML.

geodatabaseDatabaseAlreadyExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Database already exists.

geodatabaseDatabaseDoesNotExist → const ArcGISExceptionType

Database does not exist.

geodatabaseNameLongerThan128Characters → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase name longer than 128 characters.

geodatabaseInvalidShapeType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase invalid shape type.

geodatabaseRasterNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase raster not supported.

geodatabaseRelationshipClassOneToOne → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase relationship class one to one.

geodatabaseItemNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase item not found.

geodatabaseDuplicateCode → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase duplicate code.

geodatabaseMissingCode → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase missing code.

geodatabaseWrongItemType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase wrong item type.

geodatabaseIdFieldNotNullable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase Id field not nullable.

geodatabaseDefaultValueNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase default value not supported.

geodatabaseTableNotEditable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase table not editable.

geodatabaseFieldNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase field not found.

geodatabaseFieldExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase field exists.

geodatabaseCannotAlterFieldType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot alter field type.

geodatabaseCannotAlterFieldWidth → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot alter field width.

geodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToNullable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot alter field to nullable.

geodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToEditable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot alter field to editable.

geodatabaseCannotAlterFieldToDeletable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot alter field to deletable.

geodatabaseCannotAlterGeometryProperties → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot alter geometry properties.

geodatabaseUnnamedTable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase unnamed table.

geodatabaseInvalidTypeForDomain → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase invalid type for domain.

geodatabaseMinMaxReversed → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase min max reversed.

geodatabaseFieldNotSupportedOnRelationshipClass → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase field not supported on relationship class.

geodatabaseRelationshipClassKey → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase relationship class key.

geodatabaseValueIsNull → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase value is null.

geodatabaseMultipleSqlStatements → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase multiple SQL statements.

geodatabaseNoSqlStatements → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase no SQL statements.

geodatabaseGeometryFieldMissing → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase geometry field missing.

geodatabaseTransactionStarted → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase transaction started.

geodatabaseTransactionNotStarted → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase transaction not started.

geodatabaseShapeRequiresZ → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase shape requires z.

geodatabaseShapeRequiresM → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase shape requires m.

geodatabaseShapeNoZ → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase shape no z.

geodatabaseShapeNoM → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase shape no m.

geodatabaseShapeWrongType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase shape wrong type.

geodatabaseCannotUpdateFieldType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot update field type.

geodatabaseNoRowsAffected → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase no rows affected.

geodatabaseSubtypeInvalid → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase subtype invalid.

geodatabaseSubtypeMustBeInteger → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase subtype must be integer.

geodatabaseSubtypesNotEnabled → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase subtypes not enabled.

geodatabaseSubtypeExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase subtype exists.

geodatabaseDuplicateFieldNotAllowed → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase duplicate field not allowed.

geodatabaseCannotDeleteField → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot delete field.

geodatabaseIndexExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase index exists.

geodatabaseIndexNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase index not found.

geodatabaseCursorNotOnRow → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cursor not on row.

geodatabaseInternalError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase internal error.

geodatabaseCannotWriteGeodatabaseManagedFields → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot write geodatabase managed fields.

geodatabaseItemAlreadyExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase item already exists.

geodatabaseInvalidSpatialIndexName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase invalid spatial index name.

geodatabaseRequiresSpatialIndex → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase requires spatial index.

geodatabaseReservedName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase reserved name.

geodatabaseCannotUpdateSchemaIfChangeTracking → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot update schema if change tracking.

geodatabaseInvalidDate → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase invalid date.

geodatabaseDatabaseDoesNotHaveChanges → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase database does not have changes.

geodatabaseReplicaDoesNotExist → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase replica does not exist.

geodatabaseStorageTypeNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase storage type not supported.

geodatabaseReplicaModelError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase replica model error.

geodatabaseReplicaClientGenError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase replica client generation error.

geodatabaseReplicaNoUploadToAcknowledge → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase replica no upload to acknowledge.

geodatabaseLastWriteTimeInTheFuture → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase last write time in the future.

geodatabaseInvalidArgument → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase invalid argument.

geodatabaseTransportationNetworkCorrupt → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase transportation network corrupt.

geodatabaseTransportationNetworkFileIo → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase transportation network file IO error.

geodatabaseFeatureHasPendingEdits → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase feature has pending edits.

geodatabaseChangeTrackingNotEnabled → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase change tracking not enabled.

geodatabaseTransportationNetworkFileOpen → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase transportation network file open.

geodatabaseTransportationNetworkUnsupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase transportation network unsupported.

geodatabaseCannotSyncCopy → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase cannot sync copy.

geodatabaseAccessControlDenied → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase access control denied.

geodatabaseGeometryOutsideReplicaExtent → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase geometry outside replica extent.

geodatabaseUploadAlreadyInProgress → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase upload already in progress.

geodatabaseDatabaseClosed → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase is closed.

geodatabaseDomainAlreadyExists → const ArcGISExceptionType

Domain exists.

geodatabaseGeometryTypeNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geodatabase geometry type not supported.

geodatabaseAttachmentsRequireGlobalIds → const ArcGISExceptionType

ArcGISFeatureTable requires a global Id field to support adding bulk attachments.

geodatabaseConstraintRuleViolation → const ArcGISExceptionType

Violated attribute constraint rule.

geodatabaseMaxRuleEvaluationLevelExceeded → const ArcGISExceptionType

The evaluation of attribute rules is cyclic or exceeds maximum cascading level.

geodatabaseUnsupportedVersion → const ArcGISExceptionType

The client version required by the geodatabase is not yet supported.

geodatabaseTransportationNetworkUnsupportedEvaluator → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network attribute evaluator is not supported.

geodatabaseGlobalIdSupportMismatch → const ArcGISExceptionType

Data changes cannot safely be committed due to mismatch of global ID support.

geodatabaseReconcileBranchVersionUnsupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Feature service does not support branch version reconciliation during sync.

geocodeUnsupportedFileFormat → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode unsupported file format.

geocodeUnsupportedSpatialReference → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode unsupported spatial reference.

geocodeUnsupportedProjectionTransformation → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode unsupported projection transformation.

geocodeGeocoderCreation → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocoder creation error.

geocodeIntersectionsNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode intersections not supported.

geocodeUninitializedGeocodeTask → const ArcGISExceptionType

Uninitialized geocode task.

geocodeInvalidLocatorProperties → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid geocode locator properties.

geocodeRequiredFieldMissing → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode required field missing.

geocodeCannotReadAddress → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode cannot read address.

geocodeReverseGeocodingNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocoding not supported.

geocodeGeometryTypeNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode geometry type not supported.

geocodeSuggestAddressNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode suggest address not supported.

geocodeSuggestResultCorrupted → const ArcGISExceptionType

Geocode suggest result corrupt.

networkAnalystInvalidRouteSettings → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid route settings.

networkAnalystNoSolution → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst no solution.

networkAnalystTaskCanceled → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst task canceled.

networkAnalystInvalidNetwork → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid network.

networkAnalystDirectionsError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst directions error.

networkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfStops → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst insufficient number of stops.

networkAnalystStopUnlocated → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst stop unlocated.

networkAnalystStopLocatedOnNonTraversableElement → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst stop located on non traversable element.

networkAnalystPointBarrierInvalidAddedCostAttributeName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst point barrier invalid added cost attribute name.

networkAnalystLineBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst line barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name.

networkAnalystPolygonBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute name.

networkAnalystPolygonBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeValue → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst polygon barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value.

networkAnalystPolylineBarrierInvalidScaledCostAttributeValue → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst polyline barrier invalid scaled cost attribute value.

networkAnalystInvalidImpedanceAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid impedance attribute.

networkAnalystInvalidRestrictionAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid restriction attribute.

networkAnalystInvalidAccumulateAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid accumulate attribute.

networkAnalystInvalidDirectionsTimeAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid directions time attribute.

networkAnalystInvalidDirectionsDistanceAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid directions distance attribute.

networkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersAttributeName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid attribute parameters attribute name.

networkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersParameterName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid attributes parameters parameter name.

networkAnalystInvalidAttributeParametersRestrictionUsageValue → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid attribute parameters restriction usage value.

networkAnalystNetworkHasNoHierarchyAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst network has no hierarchy attribute.

networkAnalystNoPathFoundBetweenStops → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst no path found between stops.

networkAnalystUndefinedOutputSpatialReference → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst undefined output spatial reference.

networkAnalystDirectionsTimeAndImpedanceAttributeMismatch → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst directions time and impedance attribute mismatch.

networkAnalystInvalidDirectionsRoadClassAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid directions road class attribute.

networkAnalystStopIsUnreachable → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst stop cannot be reached.

networkAnalystStopTimeWindowStartsBeforeUnixEpoch → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst stop time window starts before unix epoch.

networkAnalystStopTimeWindowIsInverted → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst stop time window is inverted.

networkAnalystWalkingModeRouteTooLarge → const ArcGISExceptionType

Walking mode route too large.

networkAnalystStopHasNullGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Stop has null geometry.

networkAnalystPointBarrierHasNullGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Point barrier has null geometry.

networkAnalystPolylineBarrierHasNullGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Polyline barrier has null geometry.

networkAnalystPolygonBarrierHasNullGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Polygon barrier has null geometry.

networkAnalystUnsupportedSearchWhereClause → const ArcGISExceptionType

Online route task does not support search_where_clause condition.

networkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfFacilities → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst insufficient number of facilities.

networkAnalystFacilityHasNullGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst facility has null geometry.

networkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidAddedCostAttributeName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst facility has invalid added cost attribute name.

networkAnalystFacilityHasNegativeAddedCostAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst facility has negative added cost attribute.

networkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidImpedanceCutoff → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst facility has invalid impedance cutoff.

networkAnalystInsufficientNumberOfIncidents → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst insufficient number of incidents.

networkAnalystIncidentHasNullGeometry → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst incident has null geometry.

networkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidAddedCostAttributeName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst incident has invalid added cost attribute name.

networkAnalystIncidentHasNegativeAddedCostAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst incident has negative added cost attribute.

networkAnalystInvalidTargetFacilityCount → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid target facility count.

networkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidImpedanceCutoff → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst incident has invalid impedance cutoff.

networkAnalystStartTimeIsBeforeUnixEpoch → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst start time is before Unix epoch.

networkAnalystInvalidDefaultImpedanceCutoff → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid default impedance cutoff.

networkAnalystInvalidDefaultTargetFacilityCount → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid default target facility count.

networkAnalystInvalidPolygonBufferDistance → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst invalid polygon buffer distance.

networkAnalystPolylinesCannotBeReturned → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst polylines cannot be returned.

networkAnalystTimeWindowsWithNonTimeImpedance → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst solving non time impedance, but time windows applied.

networkAnalystUnsupportedStopType → const ArcGISExceptionType

One or more stops have unsupported type.

networkAnalystRouteStartsOrEndsOnWaypoint → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst route starts or ends on a waypoint.

networkAnalystWaypointsAndRestBreaksForbiddenReordering → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst reordering stops (Traveling Salesman Problem) is not supported when the collection of stops contains waypoints or rest breaks.

networkAnalystWaypointHasTimeWindows → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst waypoint contains time windows.

networkAnalystWaypointHasAddedCostAttribute → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst waypoint contains added cost attribute.

networkAnalystStopHasInvalidCurbApproach → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst stop has unknown curb approach.

networkAnalystPointBarrierHasInvalidCurbApproach → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst point barrier has unknown curb approach.

networkAnalystFacilityHasInvalidCurbApproach → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst facility has unknown curb approach.

networkAnalystIncidentHasInvalidCurbApproach → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network analyst incident has unknown curb approach.

networkAnalystNetworkDoesNotSupportDirections → const ArcGISExceptionType

Network dataset has no directions attributes.

networkAnalystDirectionsLanguageNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

Desired direction language not supported by platform.

jsonParserInvalidToken → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid token.

jsonParserInvalidCharacter → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid character.

jsonParserInvalidUnicode → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid unicode.

jsonParserInvalidJsonStart → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid start of JSON.

jsonParserInvalidEndOfPair → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid end of pair.

jsonParserInvalidEndOfElement → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid end of element.

jsonParserInvalidEscapeSequence → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid escape sequence.

jsonParserInvalidEndOfFieldName → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid end of field name.

jsonParserInvalidStartOfFieldName → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid start of field name.

jsonParserInvalidStartOfComment → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid start of comment.

jsonParserInvalidDecDigit → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid decimal digit.

jsonParserInvalidHexDigit → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser invalid hex digit.

jsonParserExpectingNull → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser expecting null.

jsonParserExpectingTrue → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser expecting true.

jsonParserExpectingFalse → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser expecting false.

jsonParserExpectingClosingQuote → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser expecting closing quote.

jsonParserExpectingNan → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser expecting not a number.

jsonParserExpectingEndOfComment → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser expecting end of comment.

jsonParserUnexpectedEndOfData → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON parser unexpected end of data.

jsonObjectExpectingStartObject → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting start object.

jsonObjectExpectingStartArray → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting start array.

jsonObjectExpectingValueObject → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting value object.

jsonObjectExpectingValueArray → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting value array.

jsonObjectExpectingValueInt32 → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting value int32.

jsonObjectExpectingIntegerType → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting integer type.

jsonObjectExpectingNumberType → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting number type.

jsonObjectExpectingValueString → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting value string.

jsonObjectExpectingValueBool → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object expecting value bool.

jsonObjectIteratorNotStarted → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object iterator not started.

jsonObjectIteratorIsFinished → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object iterator is finished.

jsonObjectKeyNotFound → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object key not found.

jsonObjectIndexOutOfRange → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON object index out of range.

jsonStringWriterJsonIsComplete → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON string writer JSON is complete.

jsonStringWriterInvalidJsonInput → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON string writer invalid JSON input.

jsonStringWriterExpectingContainer → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON string writer expecting container.

jsonStringWriterExpectingKeyOrEndObject → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON string writer expecting key or end object.

jsonStringWriterExpectingValueOrEndArray → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON string writer expecting value or end array.

jsonStringWriterExpectingValue → const ArcGISExceptionType

JSON string writer expecting value.

mappingMissingSpatialReference → const ArcGISExceptionType

Spatial reference is missing.

mappingMissingInitialViewpoint → const ArcGISExceptionType

Initial viewpoint is missing.

mappingInvalidResponse → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid request response.

mappingMissingBingMapsKey → const ArcGISExceptionType

Bing maps key is missing.

mappingUnsupportedLayerType → const ArcGISExceptionType

Layer type is not supported.

mappingSyncNotEnabled → const ArcGISExceptionType

Sync not enabled.

mappingTileExportNotEnabled → const ArcGISExceptionType

Tile export is not enabled.

mappingMissingItemProperty → const ArcGISExceptionType

Required item property is missing.

mappingWebmapNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Web map version is not supported.

mappingSpatialReferenceInvalid → const ArcGISExceptionType

Spatial reference invalid or incompatible.

mappingPackageUnpackRequired → const ArcGISExceptionType

Package needs to be unpacked before it can be used.

mappingUnsupportedElevationFormat → const ArcGISExceptionType

Elevation source data format is not supported.

mappingWebsceneNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Web scene version or viewing mode is not supported.

mappingNotLoaded → const ArcGISExceptionType

Loadable object is not loaded when it is expected to be loaded.

mappingScheduledUpdatesNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Update packages for an offline map area are not supported.

mappingUtilityNetworkTraceFailed → const ArcGISExceptionType

Trace operation failed.

mappingInvalidArcadeExpression → const ArcGISExceptionType

Arcade expression is invalid.

mappingUtilityNetworkTooManyAssociations → const ArcGISExceptionType

Requested extent contains too many associations.

mappingMaxFeatureCountExceeded → const ArcGISExceptionType

A layer has requested more features than the service maximum feature count.

mappingBranchVersioningNotSupportedByService → const ArcGISExceptionType

Feature service does not support branch versioning.

mappingPackagingNotComplete → const ArcGISExceptionType

Packaging of data for the offline map area is not complete and it is not ready for download.

mappingSyncDirectionUploadNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

An upload sync direction is not supported.

mappingTileCacheCompactV2ExportNotEnabled → const ArcGISExceptionType

Tile export in .tpkx format is not supported.

mappingLayerDoesNotIntersectAreaOfInterest → const ArcGISExceptionType

The specified layer does not intersect the area of interest.

mappingScheduledUpdateUploadRequired → const ArcGISExceptionType

Local edits must be sent to a service (using a sync direction of upload) before update packages can download a replacement geodatabase.

licensingUnlicensedFeature → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unlicensed feature.

licensingLicenseLevelFixed → const ArcGISExceptionType

License level fixed.

licensingLicenseLevelAlreadySet → const ArcGISExceptionType

License level is already set.

licensingMainLicenseNotSet → const ArcGISExceptionType

Main license is not set.

licensingUnlicensedExtension → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unlicensed extension.

licensingPortalUserWithNoLicense → const ArcGISExceptionType

Portal user with no license.

stdIosBaseFailure → const ArcGISExceptionType

IO error.

stdBadArrayNewLength → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid array length.

stdUnderflowError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Arithmetic underflow.

stdSystemError → const ArcGISExceptionType

System error.

stdRangeError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Range error.

stdOverflowError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Arithmetic overflow.

stdOutOfRange → const ArcGISExceptionType

Out of range.

stdLengthError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Length error.

stdInvalidArgument → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid argument.

stdFutureError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Asynchronous error.

stdDomainError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Math domain error.

stdRuntimeError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unknown error.

stdLogicError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Logic error.

stdBadWeakPtr → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid weak reference.

stdBadTypeId → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid type Id.

stdBadFunctionCall → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid function call.

stdBadException → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid error management.

stdBadCast → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid cast.

stdBadAlloc → const ArcGISExceptionType

Out of memory.

stdException → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unknown error.

Service doesn't support rerouting.

geotriggersFeedError → const ArcGISExceptionType

A problem was encountered with a GeotriggerFeed.

An invalid GeotriggerFeed indicates that a GeotriggerMonitor is unable to perform checks. No GeotriggerNotificationInfo events will be sent.

geotriggersFenceParametersError → const ArcGISExceptionType

A problem was encountered with the FenceParameters for a FenceGeotrigger.

An invalid FenceParameters indicates that a GeotriggerMonitor is unable to perform checks. No GeotriggerNotificationInfo events will be sent.

geotriggersFenceDataWarning → const ArcGISExceptionType

A problem was encountered with the fence data for a Geotrigger.

There is a problem with some of the fence data and these will not be checked by a GeotriggerMonitor. However, other data is valid and so GeotriggerNotificationInfo events can be sent.

motionSensorAccelerometerNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Device doesn't support accelerometer.

motionSensorGyroscopeNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Device doesn't support gyroscope.

motionSensorMagnetometerNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Device doesn't support magnetometer.

authenticationInvalidCredentials → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid credentials, unable to generate token.

authenticationUnableToDetermineTokenUrl → const ArcGISExceptionType

Unable to determine generate token URL.

authenticationTokenExpired → const ArcGISExceptionType

Token has expired.

authenticationTokenRequired → const ArcGISExceptionType

A token or API key is required.

authenticationInvalidApiKey → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid API key.

authenticationInvalidToken → const ArcGISExceptionType

Invalid token.

authenticationForbidden → const ArcGISExceptionType

You do not have permission to access the resource.

authenticationSslRequired → const ArcGISExceptionType

Secure socket layer required.

authenticationCredentialCannotBeShared → const ArcGISExceptionType

The credential cannot be shared with the request URL.

authenticationOAuthFailure → const ArcGISExceptionType

The authorization end point responded with a failure.

authenticationChallengeCanceled → const ArcGISExceptionType

The authentication challenge was canceled.

symbolDictionaryNotSupported → const ArcGISExceptionType

Symbol dictionary not supported.

symbolDictionaryMissingConfiguration → const ArcGISExceptionType

Missing symbol dictionary configuration.

symbolDictionaryMissingScript → const ArcGISExceptionType

Missing symbol dictionary script.

symbolDictionaryMissingDisplayName → const ArcGISExceptionType

Missing symbol dictionary display name.

symbolDictionaryConfigurationParsingError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Error parsing the symbol dictionary configuration.

symbolDictionaryArcadeParsingError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Error parsing the symbol dictionary script.

symbolDictionaryArcadeEvaluationError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Error evaluating the symbol dictionary script.

symbolDictionaryStylxConnectionError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Error establishing connection with the stylx file for symbol dictionary.

symbolDictionaryOrderedAnchorPointToGeometryError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Error converting ordered anchor points to geometry for symbol dictionary.

symbolDictionaryGeometryToOrderedAnchorPointError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Error converting geometry to ordered anchor points for symbol dictionary.

featureFormNullNotAllowedError → const ArcGISExceptionType

The Field is not nullable and cannot be set to null.

featureFormExceedsMaximumDateTimeError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value exceeds the value of DateTimePickerFormInput.max.

featureFormLessThanMinimumDateTimeError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value is less than the value of DateTimePickerFormInput.min.

featureFormExceedsMaximumLengthError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value exceeds the maximum allowed length specified by the FormInput.

featureFormLessThanMinimumLengthError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value is less than the minimum allowed length specified by the FormInput.

featureFormExceedsNumericMaximumError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value exceeds the allowed numeric maximum specified by FieldFormElement.domain.

featureFormLessThanNumericMinimumError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value is less than the allowed numeric minimum specified by FieldFormElement.domain.

featureFormNotInCodedValueDomainError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value is not present in the coded value domain.

featureFormFieldIsRequiredError → const ArcGISExceptionType

Field value is required and the FieldFormElement.value is null or empty.

featureFormIncorrectValueTypeError → const ArcGISExceptionType

The type of the FieldFormElement.value does not match the type of the field.


coreValue int
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<ArcGISExceptionType>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.