locationDisplay property

LocationDisplay locationDisplay

The location display manages and renders the device's current location on an ArcGISMapViewController using a data source, such as a GPS sensor.

The device location is displayed as a blue, round symbol that is automatically refreshed by regular updates from the LocationDisplay.dataSource. Although the LocationDisplay.dataSource uses the device's location data source by default, you can configure it to use data sources such as NMEA, route tracker, indoors, and simulated data sources. For more information, see LocationDataSource.

Once the ArcGISMapViewController.arcGISMap has been assigned and loaded, call LocationDisplay.start to initiate location updates from the LocationDataSource.

Use the LocationDisplay.autoPanMode enumerations to build navigation or compass style apps. For example, adopt LocationDisplayAutoPanMode.navigation to build an app that pans the ArcGISMapViewController so that the current location symbol is shown near the bottom of the screen and the ArcGISMapViewController is aligned with the direction of travel. You can also customize the symbols that display the device's location, its heading, the accuracy of the signal and the acquiring signal.


LocationDisplay get locationDisplay => _locationDisplay.value;
void locationDisplay=(LocationDisplay value)


set locationDisplay(LocationDisplay value) => _locationDisplay.value = value;