z property

double? z

The z-coordinate for the point.

Geometries can have z-values, indicating values along the z-axis, which is perpendicular to both the x-axis and y-axis. Z-values indicate height above or depth below a surface, or an absolute elevation. For example, z-values are used to draw the locations of geometries in a SceneView. Note that geometries are not considered true 3D shapes and are draped onto surfaces in the view, or in some cases, drawn in a single plane by using z-values. Z-values are stored on ArcGISPoint and Envelope. Since Multipoint, Polyline, and Polygon are created from a collection of ArcGISPoint, all types of geometry can have z-values.

Whether or not a geometry has z-values is determined when the geometry is created; if you use a method that has a z-value parameter, the new geometry has z-values (Geometry.hasZ is true). If you create geometries using constructors that take z-value parameters, or if you pass into the constructor points or segments that have z-values, the new geometry has z-values. A Geometry with z-values is sometimes known as a z-aware geometry.

It may be that not all vertices in your geometry have a z-value defined. NAN is a valid z-value used to indicate an unknown z-value. However, the default z-value is 0. When you get z-values from a geometry that does not have z-values, the default is 0. Check the Geometry.hasZ to determine whether a z-value of 0 means that there are no z-values in the geometry or that the z-value in the geometry's coordinates really is 0.


double? get z {
  return _withThrowingErrorHandler((errorHandler) {
    return runtimecore.RT_Point_getZNullable(_handle, errorHandler);